February is going to be a month for changes with two eclipses and Mercury in retrograde... and so many holidays! We'll be ready for parties, we'll be ready for endings and beginnings, and we may run into many old friends along the way. The planets will be getting along well this month. There won't be any planetary squares and only one opposition towards the end of the month. There may be changes ahead, but most of them will not be too painful.
The month begins with Venus and Jupiter snuggling in Capricorn, and that could bring some unexpected pregnancies. It could also bring some financial prosperity. Mercury and Neptune will also be singing together with Mars doing a little backup for them on Groundhog Day. We may have some very creative ideas, and the energy to make them real through Sunday, February 3rd.
Mercury will be in retrograde through the 18th, and this will definitely be a time for old friends -- some living, some gone. Always Mercury's retrograde is good for ghost hunting, but with Mercury doing the back swim in Aquarius, it will also be a time for hunting old friends. It will be a greatB66 time to reconnect with everybody, so if you are thinking of an old friend, go ahead and look them up.
We may really feel like dancing on Fat Tuesday, February 5th, with Venus and Uranus holding hands. The sun will also be moving to conjunct Mercury and the Moon for the solar eclipse. There could be all kinds of opportunities in love, money, science, travel, and just plain new ideas through the Chinese New Year (the year of the rat) on February 7th.
Our imaginations will be active and some of us may be quite inspired the weekend of February 9th with the Sun crossing Neptune. And, we will probably be ready to follow-through with some of those ideas through Thursday, February 14, Valentine's Day, as the Sun then moves to radiate Mars. We will be feeling very frisky for Valentine's Day, so get out and have some fun! It will be a great day for meeting new people.
Venus will be leaving Capricorn and crossing into Aquarius over the weekend of February 16th. We may be feeling like getting out of our caves and maybe visiting some friends.
Mercury will be at direct station on Monday, February 18th, Presidents' Day, the Sun will enter Pisces on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, February 20th, many of us will witness a full moon lunar eclipse in Virgo. Mercury will cause transportation and communication problems from the 17th through the 19th. The Sun will be winking at Pluto as it enters Pisces on the 19th. We will be feeling a deeper part of ourselves, and community groups could make some positive changes. Then the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse comes, making us wonder what really is important. Get ready! Some of us will be breaking up, and some of us will be making up. Some of us will be making money, some of us will be quitting our jobs. It will be a time for changes.
The weekend of February 23rd could bring some problems with authority figures with the Sun and Saturn at a standoff. Or, we may find ourselves back at the office working this weekend. But, things will become more artistic and pleasant by Tuesday, February 26th as Venus crosses Mercury. Things should be smooth sailing all the way through Leap Day, February 29th!
Janet (Sparrow) Moon is a professional psychic and astrologer. You can visit her web site for more articles about upcoming events in astrology, and to read her daily astrology general tendencies forecast. (This article can be reprinted freely online, as long as the entire article and this bio is included.) http://www.sparrowmoon.com/