Making money writing online can be your ticket to financial freedom, but it's certainly no easy ride. In order to succeed, you have to have a determined, professional attitude and a willingness to work towards satisfying the needs of your clients. If that hasn't put you off, you may be positioned to start making money writing online, without any contacts or experience.
Writing for clients online by and large doesn't have to be magazine standard, and in fact, most of the content out there couldn't be further in terms of quality. A number of clients post jobs online for SEO content, which simply requires unique, reasonably well written articles. Articles which require little or no research, and very little technical input other than scattering a few keywords throughout the text.
These articles can sell for anywhere between $5-$50, and are generally around 400-500 words in length - a fast typist can easily sustain a rate of 2,000 words an hour. If you do the math, you'll see that making money writing online is not only possible, but extremely likely - if you write 4 short articles per hour, you could be looking at a $200 p/hour rate. Not too shabby.
Making money writing online starts with getting involved in freelance bidding sites. These sites allow you to win (usually) smaller projects, but can be a great way to hone your skills and land long-term clients, provided you handle the first few projects in a careful, professional way so as not to put off the client.
Don't blow your chances of making money writing online - visit to learn how to survive as a successful content writer.
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