Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Way to Inner Peace

We all need to find our inner peace, especially in our fast paced and turbulent every day lives. Outlined below are some steps or tips on how to search for peace of mind and make it a part of your life.

First you should examine your general attitudes toward life and find out which attitudes are right for you. Be honest with yourself. If you find yourself being a person who lives on the surface you should seriously consider to change this lifestyle since such attitudes can only cause disharmony in your life. Try to get below your life's surface to discover its varieties and realities. Meet all your challenges and solve the problems that life sets before you. If you make immediate problem solving a habit you will experience that it contributes to your inner growth and positive self development. Also take a look outside yourself and your ego and try to help solving others or collective problems as well. This will also contribute to your personal growth and peace within your self.

Then examine your beliefs. Are they good or do they seem right for you? When you have identified all the good things you believe, start to practice them. Peace within yourself can never be reached unless your beliefs and practice are in harmony. Like the law of gravity and other laws of nature, there are some universal laws governing human conduct and behavior. If you obey these laws you will be pushed toward harmony; dis5B4obedience make us disharmonic. We are able to distinguish between good and bad beliefs.

Then you should search for and find your place in the pattern of life. You can begin by putting into practice all the good things you believe. Life can not be in harmony unless belief and practice are in harmony. You must go in yourself and ask - only you can find it. Use meditation techniques or other methods for searching in receptive silence. When you start to come up with some clues, start to live in accordance with it by doing all the good things you are motivated toward and give them priority in your life.

We all have an inner and outer life. Prioritizing your inner life is not the same as denying your outer. You must bring your inner and outer well-being into harmony by getting rid of unnecessary burdens and meaningless activities. You must find a way to make your wants and your needs to become the same. When you have accomplished this, you will experience a harmony between inner and outer well-being. You will feel clean, pure and un-cluttered and this wonderful and harmonic feeling is what we call inner peace.

Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet publisher. He runs the website Terje is a Sociologist who enjoy46Fs contributing to the personal growth and happiness of others. He tries to accomplish this by writing about self improvement issues from his own experience and knowledge. For example, finding peace of mind by accepting yourself and relationship improvement.

David Hawkins

Thoughts To Ponder-#10

Relaxation is the prerequisite for that inner expansion that allows a person to express the source of inspiration and joy within.

With spirit we are all children of the cosmos; Without it we5B1 are orphaned and adrift.

As you embrace the present and become one with it, and merge with it, you will experience a fire, a glow, a sparkle of ecstasy throbbing in every sentient being.

As you begin to experience this exultation of spirit in everything that is alive, as you become intimate with it, joy will be born within you, and you will drop the terrible burdens of defensiveness, resentment, and hurtfulness...then you will become lighthearted, carefree, joyous, and free.

If we share with caring, lightheartedness, and love, we will create abundance and joy for each other. And then this moment will have been worthwhile.

Each of us is here to discover our true Self that essentially we are spiritual beings who have taken manifestation in physical form that were not human beings that have occasional spiritual experiences that were spiritual beings that have occasional human experiences.

We forget sometimes that there are saints living among us. When we meet them, we are reminded, not just of the presence of pure divinity right here on earth, but also of our own potential, and of the responsibility we have to try to live up to it ~ for our own sakes and for the very future of this planet.

Ecstasy carries you completely outside your ego boundaries. In ecstasy you know yourself as cosmic ego, unbounded in time and space.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life," specializes in: Mind, Body, Spirit healing and Physical/Sexual Abuse Prevention and Recovery. As an inspirational leader, Dr. Neddermeyer empowers people to view life's challenges as an opportunity for Personal/Professional Growth and Spiritual Awakening.

David Deida

Thoughts To Ponder #90

Eric Butterworth was among the leading spokespersons in modern times on "practical mysticism." Eric was considered a legend and spiritual icon in the Unity movement. The author of 16 best-selling books on metaphysical spirituality, a gifted theologian, philosopher, and lecturer, and for over 50 years a teacher of "practical Christianity," helping thou1C80sands of people to help themselves to a more abundant life by the study and application of Truth. He possessed a unique ability to render the most complex metaphysical teachings in simple sound bytes of awareness. He mastered the art of the brief "essayette," of which he has written thousands and is often described as "The twentieth century Emerson."

Don't go through life, grow through life.

Evil, and evil spirits, devils and devil possession, are the outgrowth of man's inadequate consciousness of God. We must avoid thinking of evil as a thing in itself-a force that works against man or, against God, if you will.

Fundamentalists believe Jesus was God becoming man. I believe that Jesus was man becoming God.

God can only do for you what He can do through you.

I am not what I think. I am thinking what I think.

Most people show up for work being physically accoutered but mentally disheveled.

Nothing stops the man who desires to achieve. Every obstacle is simply a course to develop his achievement muscle. It's a strengthening of his powers of accomplishment.

One of the best things to do sometimes is simply to be.

Our job is not to set things right but to see them right.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Mind, Body, Spirit healing and Physical/Sexual Abuse Prevention and Recovery. As an inspirational leader, Dr. Neddermeyer empowers people to view life's challenges as an opportunity for Personal/Professional Growth and Spiritual Awakening.


Wealth of the Heart

Do you ever stop for a moment and think about all the energy you have spent in your life just chasing money? Do that now. You have worried about it, cried over it, thought of it, been panicked about it, spent it foolishly, wished for more of it and maybe even did some things you didn't want to do to get it. That is a lot of work. I'm as guilty as the next person. I have lived paycheck to paycheck many times. I have lived a little better at other times. There is an easier way to see the wealth you already have. How would it feel if you did not have to worry about money at all and it just came to you without effort? Consider for a moment that you could attract unlimited wealth by keeping your mind-set and actions in the right place. Imagine being able to turn your life into an amazing journey full of passion. Does that sound great or what? It certainly does to me. There is a way to have wealth, but you may be surprised at the solution.

Turn your thoughts to the middle of your chest where the center of your heart is. There is your wealth. True wealth is knowing the desire of your heart and learning your life's purpose. Call it guidance from the divine, destiny or a spiritual mission. My interpretation of a life purpose or calling is finding that one thing that brings you joy. There is one thing that you can do that no one else can in just the same way. In all the history of the world there has never been another you. Therefore your place in the world is unique. It's perfectly alright if you don't actually feel "called" to anything right this moment. Instead, ask yourself what it is you really LOVE doing. What gets your blood going and creates a passion inside? That's where you start finding your purpose.

After you figure out what your "thing" is (it could be several things related to each other), figure out how you can leave the world a better place while living your life's mission. If you do it for the love of it, the wealth will eventually follow. Put all of your passion into it and share it with everyone possible. It is unlikely that you will magically have all the money you could need right away. Abundance comes from the heart and when your heart is in the right place, abundance will follow. Start expecting it because this is the way to true wealth.

Do you know what happens when you stop worrying about money? It starts to find you. Another thing about living your life's calling is that abundance in every form will start to come into your life. You not only find wealth in material ways, but the joy, passion, peace and love brings true meaning to your life. That is wealth of the heart and it is priceless.

Robin Skeen

Robin lives in the lovely state of Ohio, USA. She is a freelance writer and her website contains her reflections on inspired personal growth - transforming body, mind and spirit so you can live your best life NOW! To find out more and to get your FREE course on "How To Have A Successful Mindset," visit today at and be sure to check back on a regular basis for more free reports and eBooks.

Getting In The Gap

Friday, June 27, 2008

12 Thoughts for a Happy New Year

Live each day so that you will neither be afraid of tomorrow nor ashamed of yesterday. - Author Unknown




1. To face the coming years problems use HOPE, faith, and your trust in God and His wisdom to guide you to the future thats right for you. You can create your own future by focusing your thoughts on what you wish to accomplish. Know that you are responsible for everything that happens in your life both good and bad.

2. Make it your ASPIRATION to achieve something worthwhile. Learn a new skill, or seek greater knowledge in areas you dont now have. Seek and master new ways to do something thats already been done -and- do it better! U10E9se the power of purpose by giving whatever it is you desire the highest amount of your attention. This determines how successful you will become.

3. Make a concentrated effort to improve, grow, and PROSPER. Increase your financial security. Dare to be happy. Exercise and stay in good health. Keep a positive attitude. Do whatever it takes to improve your personal and business image. And know that your relationship with giving is the spiritual source of your true prosperity.

4. Treat your life, family, friends, and others you meet as a PRECIOUS gift to be enjoyed, and of great value. Regard them with a love that is special and - it will all come back to you. Send forth good and it multiples. Honor every one you come in contact with today, tomorrow, and make it an ongoing behavior. This too, is paid back to you by the Universe.

5. To YEARN is to express compassion. In this coming new year, experience it and show compassion for those less fortunate then you are. Offer ways to help others whenever and wherever you can. Give only good. The more you give of yourself, the more comes back to you. It may help make this a better world.

6. Learn to NETWORK and link to other like-minded individuals; whether its in an educational, business, or social setting the benefits can add to your growth and success. Celebrate and share your abilities so that you can attract more of the same.

7. Be EAGER to learn new things. Opportunities are all around you. Having an intense passion or desire to find new opportunities is the sign of an enthusiastic person. This desire comes from God. In order for you to find new opportunities, always move toward your goal with a spiritual awareness.

8. WISDOM - the ability to make well thought out decisions comes from maturity and understanding. In any given situation, it is wise not to judge until all facts are understood. Be open to understanding anothers point of view. Do you look at the world with a positive or a negative vision?

9. YESTERDAY is a day that has just passed. Now you are free to live in the present. Use each new day wisely and full of gratitude for every hour, every minute, and every second. Set goals for each day and take specific actions that will help you accomplish them.

10. ELOQUENT. Are you confident, persuasive and effective in the way you communicate? When speaking with others how would you rate yourself? Are you always voicing negative opinions? Or, are you positive in expressing your thoughts?

11. ADVERTISE. For those in business, always make the positive features and benefits of your product or service known. Appeal to the emotions of your prospective client. Give quality service and products so that your self-esteem is strengthened and your reputation is valued.

12. - In the coming new year, heres hoping that you will REWARD yourself for any successful personal and business achievements. Improve your skills where and when needed. Change any negative habits, and always follow His guidance in all things you attempt to do.

May this New Year bring you many blessings of good health, dreams to come true, prayers to be answered, and gratitude for all. Remember: Life is a series of new beginnings and in every ordinary moment there are a thousand miracles to behold. -Flavia Weedn

Copyright 2006

About the Author

Gerri D Smith publishes and hosts an inspirational newsletter for women business owners, individuals eager to improve, and entrepreneurs willing to learn more . And its Free! Subscribers to her newsletter receive many of her well-written articles, special reports, books, offers, and resources that are filled with motivational support, business and personal image improvement, and supportive ideas to help you reach your goals. To sign up, go now to:

Neale Donald Walsch

Creating Money Beyond Belief

I grew up in an environment of lack. At the tender age of 5, I remembered watching my mother looking all over the house and under the sofa set in our small living room for a five cent coin to pay the vegetable vendor - vegetables that she had wanted to buy to cook our dinner. She didnt find the five cent but the kind vegetable vendor gave her the vegetables anyway.

To save money, I always packed my food to school. This way, I dont need to buy from the school canteen. Most time it was just two slices of bread and a bottle of water.

For a long time I grew up believing that I have to work hard to become rich and that this was the only way to achieve wealth. That was what my parents taught me because that was what they believe in.

So I grew up with a lot of limiting beliefs about moneyFA5. I believe that

* most rich people become rich at the expense of the poor
* money is the root of all evils
* receiving money for helping people is sinful
* I dont deserve to be rich
* being rich is bad
* poor people are more honest than rich people
* poor people are more spiritual
* and many more

Then one day I chance upon a book. In it was the statement below:

Whether you believe it or not, its true.

The statement at first did not strike me as particularly special but somehow it stuck in my mind. Then one fine day, it clicked!

Of course!

All these while Ive been struggling with money, or the lack of it, because deep down inside my subconscious mind I believe that money is bad and since I am good, I should not have too much money. The powerful subconscious mind gives you exactly what you believe in.

I know that by changing my beliefs in money I could change my life from one of lack to one of abundance, but knowing is one thing and doing it is another thing altogether.

Old habits die hard. There was a lot of resistance to changing the old beliefs. Despite putting in all the positive affirmations about money and using subliminal messages, it was still a painstakingly slow process of change - but change it did.

I also learned meditation and learned to become more mindful of my thoughts so that I can delibrately allow only positive thoughts into my subconscious mind. Again, meditation requires lots of patience and discipline, but the fruits of the effort is well worth it. As I purify my mind more and more, I find that not only was I creating more opportunities for wealth into my life, I was also attracting a lot of good people and company as well.

Today, I do not worry about money.

I know I will not be lacking it. The universal law of abundance flows freely into my being and my life as I continue to practice generosity and gratitude towards others.

Wealth and spirituality are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they are one and the same. A person who truly understand the universal laws knows that he or she is a spiritual being that is complete and whole, lacking nothing. That is our nature - unconditional love, joy and abundance. Only when we doubt our true nature does fear of lack creep into our lives. In the presence of fear, we create resistance to the flow of abundance into our lives. Have faith in your wholeness and the universe will provide - without fail.

You can choose to believe in unconditional love, joy and abundance or you can choose to believe otherwise. Whichever you choose, youll be right!

Dr. Tim Ong is a medical doctor who runs his own busy medical practice. In his free time, he enjoys giving public talks, teaching meditation and offering his service to hospice work in the community. He is the webmaster of The Self Improvement Site and Mind Science Info. He is also giving away his personal collection of life transforming ebooks at Book of Transformation.

J Oswald Sanders

Success Secrets of the Greatness Grower

"The power inside of you would stagger you if you really knew what it could accomplish. It is a power that conquers, empowers, and Grows Greatness. But most of us have been conquered by Greatness thieves that have robbed us blind. "


That is how most people are about their Power to Succeed that lies dormant within them. They have no idea of the Success Greatness that lies deep within just waiting for a chance to explode into the world and make a so so life into a life made only of dreams.

You have a great Power within that can help create any life you want, have anything you want, and do anything that you desire. This Power is one that has been waiting, watching, and willing to take on the Success Journey in a way that would leave you breathless and in awe.

YOU are that powerful on the inside.

Yes, that Success Power and Force is within you, and waiting to come out and change your whole world! Success is basically the releasing of that Inner Will and Power in your 5B4life, and then operating your life in such a capacity that Success can ONLY be the result!

DARE to step beyond the limits today and live "Life Beyond the Barriers.(tm)"

But people will tell you that this Success Power is for others and not for you, as you came from the wrong family or side of town. They will tell you that Success has never been a part of who you are. Don't buy into the lie.

Success is already inside of you.

YOU must release it, and never look back, as that is where you came from, not where you are going. It is where you used to be, not where you are now. It is WHO you used to be, but not who you are now.

Today, something has shifted inside of you.

You are a POWERFUL being that God has made for massive Success and Achievement, and today you make that decision to release it and never look back at what USED TO BE.

Success is about what is GOING TO BE! And you are going to be a HUGE Success today and not be clueless like so many others.

Let others walks among the clueless crowd and be blind to what the Truth is about their Success.

But not you.

There are so many people in the world that simply are deceived into believeing that what they have and are doing is all their is to life.

They are clueless to the Greatness that lies within them.

I should know....

Mine laid dormant for years. It laid there like a rock that I carried around with me. It heard5B3 all the excuses and the pathetic reasons I was not a Success. It put up with my lack of great effort, as I replaced it with weak effort that was "just enough" to get by.

Am I proud of that fact?

Nope...hardly. I shake my head at it, and that is the reason for this lesson- Release the Greatness and Giftings that you have been blessed with!

I had the Shift- and so have you today! The Inner Shift of Greatness that shifts your life into Success overdrive!

Let me ask you the questions that I had to ask myself:

Are you proud of the fact that you probably have truly never tapped into the Greatness and Gifting of Success within you?

Are you proud of the fact that you could be doing do much better in life? We ALL could!

Here is a Million Dollar Question...

Are you more proud of your Mediocrity than your talent and Power God gave you to Massively Succeed?

YOU are a WINNER and Blessing to people!

YOU are a Gifted Talent that attracts Success to you like a magnet on Steroids!

YOU are the Enlarger and YOU will enlarge you and others today by encouraging them and taking them to a higher realm of thinking, belief, dreaming, actions, and life and total faith in what they can do with it by simply releasing it, and GROWING IT.

Truly, YOU are a Greatness Grower, and Success Shifter today...

And today...YOU start with YOU!

(c) 2006/ all rights reserved

Doug Firebaugh is one of the top Success Trainers in the world. Over a million people a month read his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success. He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a FREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLM Success HEAT- at:


Thoughts To Ponder #29

"Love is not a matter of what happens in life. It's a matter of what's happening in your heart." --Ken Keyes

"Love is just a feeling of togetherness and openness in your heart." --Ken Keyes

"Love means tearing down the separateness and the boundaries between your heart feelings and another person." --Ken Keyes

"Love everyone unconditionally, including yourself." -Ken Keyes, Jr

"Love wasn't put in your heart to stay. Love isn't love until you give it away." --Michael W. Smith

"You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love; the running ac8C6ross fields into your lover's arms can only come later when you're sure they won't laugh if you trip." --Jonathan Carroll

"Is love a tender thing? It is too rough, too rude, too boisterous; and it pricks like thorns." --William Shakespeare

"Real love is simply accepting another person. Completely and unconditionally. Russ Von Hoelscher. When you fail to get the love of the person you cared for, you put your beautiful loving feelings back in your pocket and get on with your life." - Source Unknown

"Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love." --Erich Fromm

"To make other people the source of your love is to live your life as a complete emotional dependent, always moments from deep depression due to the words or actions of another." -Russ Von Hoelscher

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Mind, Body, Spirit healing and Physical/Sexual Abuse Prevention and Recovery. As an inspirational leader, Dr. Neddermeyer empowers people to view life's challenges as an opportunity for Personal/Professional Growth and Spiritual Awakening.


Bob Doyle Used The Secret To Manifest All He Ever Wanted

The first thing you should probably know about Bob Doyle is that he found the secret after he realized in January of 2002 that he could no longer continue to work his corporate job any long and just up and quit with out having any back up plan or a secondary job lined up! Let me stress that he had no safety net what so ever and he had 3 children at home who relied on him for their safety and well-being! Since personal development was always of great interest to him, he set out On the road to share with others what he had learned in his own life About creating your own reality while meditating on a regular basis for the prosperity he was so desperately seeking in his own life during his time off. It was during that period that he came across a critical truth about The Law of Attraction. He had become so focused on his idea of how to attract the wealth he was himself seeking he failed to realize that he had gotten in his own way.

He began to grasp the fact that while he was working so hard to figure everything out on his own he was actually failing himself by not letting go and letting the universe find the answer for him instead. He finally understood how he was actually blocking the way to his own success, and that he needed to let some things work themselves out without his own coercion delegating the How and the When. Once he realized this subtle yet vital truth, he decided 5B4to ask the universe to guide and direct him by learning to fallow his own intuition without question. Then, through what at first appeared to be a series of events each unrelated to the next the answers began to emerge and he found himself not just On the road again but On the right road instead!

Thats when things really began to take off. It was at that time that he began to truly understand The Law of Attraction and Wealth Consciousness. As he began to live the principles of these two concepts 24/7 he once again found his sense of purpose and passion. Further still he committed himself to remaining on course and his first year of doing so he earned a whopping six-figure income! He is still so fixed on helping others help themselves that he has developed an on line program entitled Wealth Beyond Reason and he openly shares his insights with those seeking greater fulfillment in their lives. I strongly suggest it to those open to this new way of looking at what life itself has to offer when we believe we can achieve!

Bobs no nonsense approach to things is a refreshing change from the typical hoopla and hype often seen on the Internet. If down to earth, simple, practical and basic is your preferred speed, then he is probably your guy. You might also enjoy looking on line for related material about Bob on google. I found lots of sites full of information on Mr. Doyle and the way his website at Wealth 7D1Beyond Reason. com is set up all the information you may be seeking is easy to navigate as well. However if the Internet is not your thing you can head on over to Amazon and pick up his booked also entitled Wealth Beyond Reason!

Karen Giardunio is a single mother who resides in the mountains just north or Boulder Colorado. Through the power of the sweeping concept of "The Law Of Attraction!" she was able to personally connect herself with two of the leading experts in the field of Internet Marketing and Personal Development. It is through these great mentors that she has begun to change her life and obtain an unlimited wealth of knowledge and understanding of the need to share and serve others in order to obtain her own hearts desires. So, she now offers frustrated Network Marketers that are looking for more ways to make money while learning how to win at the recruiting game to accomplish those goals. You can just go to to find your way to the simple step-by-step applications that anyone can master that will show you how you can take control of your own life by creating a potential 6 figure income helping others succeed. The two mentors mentioned above will be working for you! They will share their money making system and guide you every step of the way.


Stress Management Techniques

The simple realization that you are in control of your life is the foundation of stress management

Living with high levels of stress, can putt your entire health at risk. Stress wreaks havoc on your emotional stability, as well as your physical health. It tapers with your ability to think clearly, function effectively, and enjoy life.

Causes of Stress

Stress may be because of any physical, chemical, or emotional factors that cause bodily or mental unrest and that may even cause physical sickness. Stress also has effects on the immune system. Chronic (long-term) stress has the effect of (wearing down) the iB68mmune system, leading to an increased susceptibility to colds and other infections.

Physical and chemical factors that can cause stress include trauma, infections, toxins, illnesses, and injuries of any sort. Emotional causes of stress and tension are numerous and varied.

How to Manage Stress

Stress is a daily part of our life; it would be absolutely foolish to think that we can eliminate it from our lives completely. What we can do is to manage it and not let it cripple us.

Learn to say (no) : This is the most important step,know your limits and stick to them. Whether in your personal or professional life, refuse to accept extra responsibilities that you know will cause you distress.

Avoid people who stress you out : If someone constantly causes stress in your life and you can not turn the relationship around, limit the amount of time you spend with that person or end the relationship entirely.

Take control of your environment : Avoid environments that stress you, if traffic is got you tense, take a longer but less-traveled route. If shopping is an unpleasant chore, do your grocery shopping online or ask someone to help out.

Avoid heated topics : If you get upset over religion or politics, avoid talking about them. If you repeatedly argue about the same subject with the same people you are bound to be stressed.

Know your limits: evaluate your schedule, responsibilities, and daily tasks. If you have got too much on your plate, drop tasks that are not truly necessary to the bottom or eliminate them entirely.

Express instead of bottling up- If something or someone is bothering you, communicate your concerns in an open and polite way. If you do not voice your feelings, resentment will build creating unnecessary stress.

Compromise- When you ask someone to change their actions, be willing to do the same. If you both are willing to bend a little, you will find a middle ground.

Be more assertive- If you need something ask for it. Deal with problems head on, doing your best to anticipate and prevent them.

Manage your time better- Poor time management can cause a lot of stress. When you are stretched too thin and running behind, it is hard to stay calm and focused. But if you plan ahead, you can avoid these stress-inducing pitfalls.

Do not try to control the uncontrollable- Many things in life are beyond our control particularly the behavior of other people. Rather than stressing out over them, focus on the things you can control.

Look for the Bright side- When facing major challenges try to look at them as opportunities for personal growth.

Share your feelings- Talk to a trusted friend or a therapist. Expressing what you are going through can be very therapeutic, even if there is nothing you can do to alter the stressful situation.

Learn to forgive- Let go of anger and resentments35F.Free yourself from negative energy by forgiving and moving on.

Include relaxation time-Include rest and relaxation in your daily schedule. Do not allow other obligations to encroach. This is your time to take a break from all responsibilities and recharge your batteries.Make time for leisure activities that bring you joy, whether it be stargazing, playing the piano, or working on your bike.

Create a Support system- A strong support system will buffer you from the negative effects of stress. Spend time with positive people who enhance your life

Exercise regularly. Physical activity plays a key role in reducing and preventing the effects of stress. Make time for at least 30 minutes of exercise, three times per week. Nothing beats aerobic exercise for releasing pent-up stress and tension.

Eat a healthy diet- Start your day right5A2 with breakfast, and keep your energy up and your mind clear with balanced, nutritious meals throughout the day.

Reduce caffeine and sugar- The temporary "highs" caffeine and sugar provide often end in with a crash in mood and energy. By reducing the amount of coffee, soft drinks, chocolate, and sugar snacks in your diet, you will feel more relaxed and you will sleep better.

Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs- alcohol or drugs may provide an easy escape from stress, but the relief is only temporary. Later the stress simply piles on plus your health starts to suffer.

Get enough sleep-Feeling tired will increase your stress because it may cause you to think irrationally.

Ashish Bhattacharya armed with a degree in East Asian Therapies from China, Currently working in a Mauritius Spa Resort, one of the leading Ayurvedic Spa Mauritius.


Building Vocabulary Through Activities

Studies show that people learn words best by engaging as many of the five senses as possible. Associating a new word with a smell, touch, taste, or sound helps us recall the word for later use. So in addition to reading on a daily basis and listening to speakers who use a different vocabulary than you do, you can add words to your working vocabulary list by exploring new activities.

The following suggested activities will boost your vocabulary by engaging more of your senses and putting you into word-rich environments.

1. Take a class, any class. Learn a new skill. The skill could be knitting or sport fishing, cooking or carpentry, dancing or playing an instrument. Choose something you are interested in and which requires you to use your hands. Each craft or skill will have its own vocabulary. There will be words to describe the equipment, the processes, and the materials. Since you will be doing something with your hands (and maybe more parts of your body as in dancing), you will trigger more activity in your brain than if you just read the words on a page. The increased activity will create more connections in your brain. Not only will you see the word, you will have an experience to tie to it. You will have paired the word with a motor memory (a physical process you have learned to do like knitting) and sensory memories about the material and tools you work with (like the feel of the knitting needles and yarn in your hands). The greater number of connections your brain is able to make with the word, the more likely it is that the word will become part of your working vocabulary.

2. Visit a museum. Childrens museums are a great choice because they often feature interactive displays. Another good option is a living museum where you can talk with a docent who can answer your questions about the exhibits. Many living museums (Colonial Williamsburg would be one example) have programs where you get to participate. Youll learn the words associated with the focus of the museum. Your brain will link the experience of the museum, the items you touched, the activities you participated in, and everything else your senses will record about the trip.

3. Go to the zoo. Youll find interesting animals with exotic names which originate from many different languages depending on where the animal normally lives. English is a living language which adopts foreign words to name things. The word yak, for instance, is from the Tibetan word gyak. You will also learn about each animals food and habitat requirements. Many zoos now present shows where a trainer works with an animal and explains about that animals particular needs and capabilities. Who can resist a cuddly koala supping on eucalyptus leaves? Once again, your mind will be absorbing the new words along with plenty of additional sensory information to link to the word memory.

4. Garden. The lexicon of gardening is rich with Latin-based words describing plants their names, the parts of the plant, and their life cycles. Latin provides the roots to many English words in the areas of law, science, and religion. The word vegetable for example originated in the Latin word vegetare meaning to enliven, bring to life, or quicken. The word flower came from the Latin word flos or floris meaning surprise! a flower. Understanding the Latin portions (prefixes, suffixes, and roots) of words can help you deduce the meaning of other words that are new to you. In addition to adding lovely flowers to your hall table or fresh vegetables to your kitchen table, gardening will add valuable words to your vocabulary.

Learning new words can be easier, more enjoyable, and result in better retention if you can use multiple senses in the word-learning process. So add a new activity to your life and youll soon master a whole new group of words!

Celia Webb is an author, illustrator, and company executive. She and her husband, Mack H. Webb, Jr., founded Pilinut Press, Inc., publishing advanced readers for children and ESL students. Their website offers more free articles on developing reading-related skills, word games and puzzles, and activity sheets for their entertaining and educational books.

Hindu Idealism

Why People Don't Listen... and Some Fun Things You Can Do About It

It's frustrating when your co-workers, audience members, teenager or even your dog (!) won't listen. While you can't control how they receive what you say, you can control how you send it. Here are a few tips on why people don't listen and what you can do to change it.

1. Short Attention Spans

When asked to guess the average adult attention span, most people say around thirty minutes. According to statistics, however, the average adult attention span is actually only seven seconds. That's right! Every seven seconds you go away somewhere. You think about something else. In fact, you could actually be taking a mental break right now! It is a normal part of how the brain integrates external stimuli like when your computer starts defragging for a moment while you type. It helps to pause from time to time when you speak. This allows people to integrate your information or ask a clarifying question. Also, include examples to anchor your concepts. For example (see--I'm doing it now!), a concept without an example is like tree without roots, a house without a Foundation, or Sonny without Cher. It just doesn't have as much staying power.

2. Too Many Distractions

I was in a meeting the other day and five people coughed, four people side talked, three cell phones rang, two people went to the restroom, and a partridge did email on his PDA. Distractions are a big part of modern life. Your best bet is to acknowledge the distractions in a playful way such as a manager who recently led a meeting I attended. When a cell phone rang, he grabbed for it and said, Oh, that's for mother likes to check in on me from time to time. That prompted everyone to turn off their phones.

3. Lack of Training

Few of us were formally taught how to listen. While you probably took Reading 8, Writing 11, did you ever take Listening 10? It's little wonder listening is challenging. Quite accidentally, I learned how to listen by practicing meditation. After a five-day retreat, I felt very light-hearted and so went to visit my aging father who was hard of hearing. My habit was to sit vacantly for hours while he complained about his arthritis, the error on his bank statement, and how hard it is to find good slippers. After this retreat, I surprised myself by totally paying attention to him with patience and compassion. After about ten minutes of complaining he suddenly changed tracks and started telling me fascinating and funny stories about his childhood. Then he cranked up his hearing aid and asked about me! Learn how to be present with people, give them your full, undivided attention and be ready for some pleasant surprises.

4. Language Barriers

It is no secret that the world of business is fast becoming a multicultural world. Although English is the default language of commerce, many people in your audience may speak English as a second language. Last month I was addressing a large insurance company where most attendees turned out to be new immigrants from China. I used the expression getting jiggy with it, and I saw people rifling through their dictionaries. This prompted me to say I'm sorry, that went way over your head, and a number of people looked up at the ceiling! If your listeners are ESL or have a more basic educational background, you need to simplify your language. Use much more literal descriptions rather than cultural expressions. Use facial and body language to express humor, and fewer words.

5. Unchecked Assumptions

Back in the 70s, Gilda Radner a comedienne who regularly performed on Saturday Night Live was well known for her popular character Emily Litella, a social activist with a hearing problem. Her causes included such important issues as violins on television, soviet jewelry and endangered feces. Believe it or not, those Emily Litella types can be found in your audiences. For example, I once told a story about my mother who was a secretary for the British Civil Service in WWII. She spent most of her time daydreaming that her boss would burst into the room and ask her to spy against the Germans. She could leave the nasty paperwork behind, don a disguise and become the next Mata Hari. Needless to say, one day her boss did burst into the room but instead he fired her for daydreaming all the time. A woman approached me after this story and told me that she used to be a Hari Krishna, too. One way to clear up false assumptions is to state your point in many different ways.

6. No Reason to Listen

Finally, the main reason people don't listen is because you haven't answered their favorite question: What's in it for me? Before you start a long-winded monologue, tell your listener why you need their attention and make sure they understand how it will be benefit them. For example, I'd like to tell you about this free software that will block all the spam before it gets to your Inbox interested? That will give you much better results than When I was a youngster and I sat down in front of my first computer, I asked myself how can I make this machine work for me In general, put yourself in your listener's shoes before you talk and their ears tend to perk up.

And just remember the greatest of all wisdom--no one ever listened himself out of a new friendship.

Carla Rieger
Copyright 2005 Yes Education Systems

Carla Rieger is an expert on the artistry of change. You can reach her at or at 1-866-294-2988. Carla uses proven secrets from the world of artistry to help your organization becoming a leader of innovation. She has been a professional speaker, trainer, facilitator and performance storyteller since the mid-80s. She is the director of Yes Education Systems, a creative communications and creative consulting firm since 1991. She has written three critically acclaimed manuals, Managing Change with a sense of humor, Speaking on the Funny Side of the Brain and The Heart of Presenting, in addition to many articles in trade journals and magazines. She has taught thousands to unlock the funny side of their brains, and to mine negativity both within and without for the key innovative solutions. Her work has been featured on radio, TV and many publications. She founded several theatre groups including Mad Cow Productions, Vancouver Playback Theatre and Mythic Cafe. She also wrote, produced and performed a one-woman show, Dancing Between Worlds.

Legendary Magic Carpet

Four Secrets To Overcome Resistance To Change

In life one thing is constant... change is going to happen! Everyone desire change and change is inevitable, so why is it difficult for so many people? The process of change in our lives can lead us toward growth and fulfillment if we learn how to cooperate with this unyielding force. When we partner with this force of evolution we can take a quantum leap in our lives. In this article you'll discover why you resist change and the four secrets to move beyond your resistance to create positive change in your life.

When we reach for change, a part of us naturally recoils and resists. If the recoiling is stronger than our reach, we experience stagnation. If we resist change too much we'll experience struggle, frustration and procrastination. During major crossroads in our lives, such as mid life crisis it is wise to surrender to change rather than resist it. If we accept that change is inevitable we can build an alliance and experience greater freedom and success.

The 1st Secret: Seek growth rather than change. Growth is the process of reaching fo1A34r something new while releasing the old. Growth always leads to positive change in our lives. Whether that is a new relationship, a new belief or a new experience, growth leads to genuine change as it shifts from the old to embrace the new. Growth is the foundation for evolution and challenges you to become more in some area of your life. Growth always produces change; but change does not always produce growth. Growth is about evolving and becoming more of who you are meant to be.

Tip: Are the changes you desire about becoming more? Look at the changes you want to make, to determine if they are a growth choice (becoming more) or a fear choice (becoming less).

The 2nd Secret: Genuine Change involves your emotions. Some people only seek physical changes. They want to change the physical forms in their life without changing the feelings. Erroneously they think this new form will make them feel a particular way. When change is only about changing the physical (new haircut, wardrobe, mate, house, etc.) personal growth is limited and change becomes temporary. However, when you change on the emotional level then growth is produced and the physical forms will begin to change automatically and without struggle.

The foundation for permanent change begins within our emotional nature. Our emotions provide motivation, they need to change before genuine change can occur. Our ego is concerned with changing on the outside and our soul wants to change and heal the feelings on the inside. When you begin inside out, change becomes more effortless.

Here is an example; A client of mine was "stuck" in a relationship. The feeling of being powerless was a pattern that haunted him for years. He attempted to fix this problem by changing the person he was dating every six months. He never changed the feelings that attracted those relationships in the first place. Once he understood that the feelings needed to change, he quickly attracted a new relationship with someone who reflected his feelings of being powerful.

The 3rd Secret of change: All Change Produces Chaos! This is the most powerful of all the secrets combined. Chaos and change always function together. It isn't change that you resist, it's your egos attempt to avoid chaos that creates resistance. When change happens its always accompanied by chaos. Chaos can be either light or dark and is a vital energy to the process of every change.

Everyone yearns for change and recoils from its chaos simultaneously. We have been taught to believe that chaos is bad and to be avoided, yet even the most incredible changes we desire: i.e., Getting a job promotion or starting a new romance will also produce chaos! The tug-of-war between our ego and our soul creates our resistance to change. Life is not to be controlled, especially by our ego, it is to be mastered by our soul. We can influence the direction of change when we let go of control, embrace chaos and learn to dance with the unpredictability of change.

The chaos of change is energy moving from one form to another. How you relate to chaos influences the outcome of change, positive or negatively. For instance, when you mix fear with chaos, change becomes negative, producing anxiety and frustration. On the other hand, when you mix hope and trust into chaos then the energy can lift to excitement and joy. Anxiety, frustration, excitement and joy are all chaotic emotions and influence the change you want to make.

Chaos is neutral and is a part of every change. This truth can help you relax and stop worrying that you might be doing something wrong. It's natural to feel chaotic when you experience change in your life. If you don't feel chaos then you aren't really changing. Big changes produce lots of chaos, small changes produces a little. So let chaos be a part of your process of change. Trust yourself know that it won't last forever and is living proof you are in the midst of changing.

The 4th Secret: Focus on the positive outcome by visualizing your future self. How often do you think about what you don't want to happen versus what you do want? This only attracts more of what you don't want. To make changes while in the throws of chaos focus on the future of how you'd like the changes to occur in your life.

The best way to accomplish this is to learn to focus your mind with guided meditation. In a state of meditation you can visualize your future self. Find a relaxed position, close your eyes and take in several deep breaths to help relax your body and focus your mind. Begin to imagine yourself in the future with the changes you desire in your life. Think about how you would feel once you've created the positive changes in your life. Your subconscious mind can begin to help you create the changes you desire. To try guided meditation, visit my website at:

Don't wait to see what the future holds rather create what you want the future to be in your mind. The more emotions you add to your vision of change, the quicker those changes will manifest. Repeat this on a regular basis at least once a week. You will begin changing the course of your future by using the power of your imagination. As you implement these four secrets, you will end your resistance and harness the power of change to become the master of your life.

Michaiel Patrick Bovenes is an author, professional speaker and self empowerment teacher. He is the author of a popular series of guided visualization meditations called, "Soul-utions". To explore his meditations or receive free ebook on Developing Personal Peace visit his website at: Michaiel currently resides in San Francisco, CA and teaches throughout the USA and Canada.

What does the Law of Balance have to do with the Law of Attraction

Developing the Leader Within


The most basic defining moment demands that leaders resolve the issue of personal identity which has serious implications for their fut5B4ure. In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves. Self-leadership was understood as their number one responsibility. The higher leaders climb up the corporate ladder the greater their burden of responsibility and their need to reevaluate themselves and their whole self. (Fairholm, 1997, p. 6). Once you have mastered self-leadership, there is plenty of guidance available on leading others. Leadership of others is the subject of hundreds of books and courses. Self-leadership involves self identity, self-regulation, personal growth, and is vital for achievement of our goals, even if we never lead another person. London (2001) asserted that People have to know themselves and understand their environments in order to adapt and learn. (p. 27).

Leaders who do not understand themselves are unlikely to have an accurate view of others or be sensitive to others feelings, needs, and attitudes. To be effective, leaders need insight into their skills and capabilities and how others react to them. (London, 2001. p. 29). Self-identity refers to how individuals view themselves in relation to others in particular:

Self-awareness: how one typically behaves or is perceived by others;

Self-understanding: recognition of strengths, weaknesses, needs, and emotions;

Self-consciousness: awareness of behaviors and feelings;

Self-assessme5B4nt: determining capabilities and abilities;

Self-confidence: ability to bring about positive outcomes.

Some people know themselves well, set realistic although ambitious, goals and set out to achieve them. Others seek experiences and challenges as learning opportunities and value others as role models and sources of feedback. London (2001) argued that the key to effective leadership is the ability to care, and make accurate judgments about how others react to you. (p. 32).

Defining Who You Are

Wouldnt it be nice to know the keys to more insightful perception and wiser decision-making? Your personal preferences provide some insight into your leadership orientation. Where you focus your attention (Extraversion or Introversion), the way you take in information (Sensing or Intuition), the way you make decisions (Thinking or Feeling), and how you deal with the outer world (Judging or Perceiving). Each combination of preferences is characterized by its own interest, values, and unique gift. Some of the facets of your leadership style may include being results oriented, disciplined, reliable, direct, and rational.

Identifying the Challenges

The Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) was developed in a research project Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner began in 1983. They wanted to know what people did when they were at their "personal best" in leading others. From this project evolved Th5B4e Leadership Challenge Model. From an analysis of the personal-best cases, they developed a model of leadership that consists of what Kouzes and Posner call The Five Practices: 1) Challenging the process, 2) Inspiring a shared vision, 3) Enabling others to act, 4) Modeling the way, and 5) Encouraging the heart. The LPI feedback rating scale runs from 1 to 10 and consists of surveys from yourself as well as three colleagues. Kouzes and Posner (2002) argued that Teaching a vision and confirming that the vision is shared is a process of engaging constituents in conversations about their lives, about their hopes and dreams. (p. 143).

Creating a Map for Improvement

To attain personal improvement whether physically, mentally, or spiritually, leaders must take the necessary steps to bring about what they wish to achieve. People dont just have a winning strategy; they become their winning strategy. They draw their identity from it because their winning strategy is the source of the results they currently enjoy. (Hargrove and Renaud, 2004, p. 110). When identifying the potential challenges of empowerment, prioritization, and focus its important that the strengths and resources required to improve effectiveness in these areas also be identified so that you can create a road map that will allow you to improve your leadership development.

The first potential challenge is empowerment. Leaders a5B4re willing to take charge and get people through difficult periods but this may allow followers to become too dependent on them. Todays workplace needs employees who can make decisions, who can invent solutions to problems, who can take initiative, and who are accountable for results. Empowerment is a fundamentally different way of working together. (Jaffe, 1991, p. 4). How should you encourage empowerment? By making followers feel responsible for doing a job and making the organization work better. The new employee is an active problem solver who helps plan how to get things done and then does them. (Jaffe, 1991, p. 4).

The second potential challenge is prioritization. Leaders are able to get a lot of things done, even in the mist of confusion, and youre willing to take the initiative. However, leaders dont always take the time to think strategically and prioritize task. This could result in farming people off in too many directions. The leader determines when and where the impact of individuals will be the most potent and then deduces ways to channel control of the team and channel activity towards achieving team objectives. (Snair, 2003, p. 101). How should leaders prioritize? By establishing clear, measurable, and realistic goals and identifying the means. When people begin accomplishing goals and achieving results, their confidence level rises, and they begin to set even larger goals for th5B4emselves and their organization. (Hunter, 2004, p. 205).

The third potential challenge is maintaining focus. Leaders are willing to accept decisions from above, and can work quickly to institutionalize changes. However, Leaders have trouble remaining productive in the face of new obstacles when there is a lack of guidance. Getting everyone in the organization on the same page, focused on the priorities of the moment, is always a challenge. Leaders should maintain focus through clear, regular, and up-to-date communication. Mai (2003) argued that Effective leadership communication is the most powerful tool for managing change and transition in your organization. It minimizes fear, paralysis, and disaffection that in turn can hurt organizational performance.

In addition to the three potential challenges identified above there is always the need for continuous self-improvement in physical, mental, and spiritual fitness. Personal development must expand all aspects of the human awareness the physical, mental, and the spiritual. Fairholm (1997) asserted that we need organizations that provide not only training and direction in how to do work, but that engage workers in constant learning and personal development of their capacities. (p. 10)

Physical Fitness Improvement

Not only is physical fitness a worthwhile goal with positive benefits at work, but the sense of positive fellowship 5B4and community sets a tone that carries over into the work environment. (Cox, 2002, p. 162). There was a time when the U.S. Navy made fitness programs mandatory, and implemented programs that failed to motivate or inspire sailors. But weve moved towards a physical readiness program that targets individual fitness and places a renewed emphasis on command leadership to help create a culture of fitness throughout the Navy. (Mueller, 2000, p. 1).

Mental Fitness Improvement

Our body, emotions, mind, and soul form the whole person. It is only by dealing with each part of the whole, that we can have complete health. Our situation does not control how we think or feel but rather the way we think determines our situation. (See Ps 38:3, Prov 13:12, Prov 14:30, and Prov 17:22). Life is a journey where the mind is the driver, the body is the vehicle, and the soul is the passenger. All are connected and one cant complete the journey without the others. While its a fact that our physical condition impacts our emotional and mental state, its also true that the way we think, act, and feel impact our physical condition.

If a person isnt mentally fit, the effects of additional stress snowball until their physical and emotional fitness are compromised as well. Guilt, sadness, anger, sorrow, frustration, pain and anguish can produce illness and mental degradation. Many people separate their spiritual liv5B4es into a separate box or a specific time for worship and dont integrate spirituality into their everyday lives. But prayer acts as a foundation for meditation and should be given center stage in our lives. many people draw moral fortitude and inner strength from a spiritual foundation. (Department of the Army Staff. 2004, p. 46).

Spiritual Fitness Improvement

The connection between leadership and spirituality is not always automatic and must be constantly nurtured. Who we are is more important than what we know. What we do with our knowledge determines who we are. Fairholm (1997) suggested that leadership is a matter of touching peoples souls, not controlling their actions. Leadership is connecting with other people at the feeling level. (p. 7). People respond to the way their leaders feel toward them. Spirituality should guide our personal values and the meaning we give to our lives. The goal must be to incessantly renew our spiritual connection and to apply it to every aspect of our lives.

Forging the Way to Self-Leadership

As well as looking good on the outside, we need to make sure we feel beautiful from within. Whether it is through exercise, meditation, or prayer, we all have the desire to stay strong, independent, self confident and happy. And we want to be productive and feel we add meaning to our lives each day. Goals are great. They are our incentive towards B68achievement. Whether we set all-out big time goals or just trying to stick to small goals within a daily routine, there are ways to keep and meet all life's goals. Aim for progress, not perfection. The art of becoming the person I want to be is a work in progress and a constant learning curve.


Cox, Danny. (2002). Leadership When the Heat's On. Blacklick, OH: McGraw-Hill Inc.

Department of the Army Staff. (2004). U. S. Army Leadership Field Manual. Blacklick, OH, USA: McGraw-Hill Companies. Retrieved November 11, 2005, from

Fairholm, Gilbert W. (1997). Capturing the Heart of Leadership: Spirituality & Community in the New American Workplace. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, Incorporated.

Hargrove, Robert A. and Renaud, Michel (2004). Your Coach (In a Book): Mastering the Trickiest Leadership, Business, and Career Challenges You Will Ever Face. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Holy Bible (1985). King James Version Study Bible. Grand Rapids, Michigan. The Zondervan Corporation.

Hunter, James C. (2004). World's Most Powerful Leadership Principle: How to Become a Servant Leader. Westminster, MD: Crown Publishing Group.

Jaffe, Dennis T. (1991). Empowerment: A Practice Guide for Success. Menlo Park, CA: Course Technology Crisp.

Kouzes, James M. and Posner, Barry Z. (2002). The Leadership Challenge. Third Ed. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Books.

London, Manuel. (2001). Leadership Development: Paths to Self-Insight and Professional Growth. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Incorporated.

Mai, Robert. (2003). Leader As Communicator: Strategies and Tactics to Build Loyalty, Focus Effort, and Spark Creativity. Saranac Lake, NY: AMACOM.

Mueller, Ingrid Lt. (2000). Navy launches culture of fitness with new standards. Pensacola, FL. Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs. Retrieved November 01, 2005.

Snair, Scott. (2003). Stop the Meeting I Want to Get Off! How to Eliminate Endless Meetings While Improving Your Team's Communication, Productivity, and Effectiveness. Blacklick, OH: McGraw-Hill Professional.

Lieutenant Kenneth Rice is an Active Duty Naval Officer stationed in Norfolk VA. Lieutenant Rice is a graduate of Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia where he received a Masters of Science in Educational Leadership and an Education & Training Management Subspecialty. He is currently enrolled in the Naval War College completing the Joint Professional Military Education Phase I and at Regent University working towards a Doctorate in111C Strategic Leadership.

Law of Attraction the most powerful law in the universe

Simple Easy Secret Life Skills

In order to gain control over a disordered, dysfunctional, out of control mind it is necessary to recognize and admit to yourself what state of mind you are living in. How negative are you?

The mind is in constant motion. It is the great trickster and it contains much useless thought. We are not living and experiencing life as it is meant to be. We are living in a false reality that we have created by the level of our thoughts. If you are only stuffing yourself with outerworld realities you are a fool. We are meant to create our own reality by onl5B4y thinking thoughts of what we want in our life and want it to become.. Yet most people consistently think and speak of what they do not want. Then they wonder why the got it. The negative mind is the great trickster. We are in constant battle between the negative forces and the positive forces and Thoughts Are Powerful Real Forces. We will call the negative mind the great trickster because it tricks you and lies to you all the time. Pushing your buttons and causing you to react to every little thing. The negative mind pulls you down emotionally, manipulates you, deceives you, steals your peace, tells you are going to fail and that you are useless. The trickster knows all your weaknesses. It knows which old thoughts to dig up and feed you to ruin your relationships, your goals and your dreams. It fills you up with destructive contaminating thoughts. The trickster has 365 reasons why you should not learn how to gain control of your personal power. WHY is this ? Because if you get control, it means you are in charge. It means that you will become positive , happy and successful. The trickster does not want that. This may be hard to believe, but your mind plays tricks on you all the time. It tells you that negative things are going to happen, that do not happen. It brings things up that you would rather forget. It causes you to worry and lose sleep. The negative mind creates, distorts, and magnifies problems that do not even exist. (exa5B4mple) A man goes into a hospital for a check up and they decide to keep him in overnight for some more tests. The trickster immediately feeds him thoughts of - Doubt -Fear -Worry -Anxiety - Thoughts like; "There must be something seriously wrong if they have to keep me in hospital. What is wrong ? If I have to be off work long I will lose my job. I won't be able to pay my mortgage and I'll lose my house and my car. I will never get another job because of my age." Worry sets in BUT IT DOES NOT HAPPEN. It's all lies. Your mind does this all the time ! Well, that is good to know. So don't you ever forget it.

The trickster lies to us all the time. The negative mind will keep your life in strife. Change and only accept positive thoughts into your mind and your life will flow with effortless effort.

Be aware of the trickster all the time. Learn to flick him off. Say to yourself. "Get lost I am not listening to you any more". Re-program your mind. Change every negative immediately into a positive. Do not accept negative thoughts any more. Take control. Learn not to react. Use your personal power . (Here is another example of the trickster at work.) A man's wife suddenly left him for another man without any warning. He was so devastated he decided to sell his business and move away. He had worked very hard for many years to build up his business and make it successful. This is an emotional spontaneous reaction. Wrong 5B4decision.

When we choose a partner we do not know what lies ahead; we do not know how if the person we marry will change but we have learn to ride the storms as they arrive.

Why would you give up or change your lifestyle because of someone else's choices.

Hold your head up high, don't get mad, let it go. Move forward and focus on your life. Become the best you can become. Focus on your success. Do not allow the trickster to fool you into reacting. Reacting only causes more strife in your life.

When a man is blind to the views of his soul he will be unable to live life to the full. The errors of a persons past can become the wise choices of his future.

Take back your power. Cut your losses don't add to them by giving up. Take care of yourself. Give yourself permission to be successful. Give yourself a D.I.N. degree and Do It Now. You are truly better off without someone who would betray your trust.

You may have lost a partner but you have your whole life ahead of you. Be powerful not pitiful. Learn to live the Impersonal Life. Don't take offense, don't judge them, don't criticize, don't try to analyze or justify another persons actions. Stay positive.

The actions of another person has got nothing to do with you!

You are only responsible for yourself. Stay in Love and Forgiveness.

Do it for you. And You will be blessed. Do not allow the trickster to steal your True Self.5B4 Do not compromise your character. Be firm and unwavering. Stay true to yourself.

Be aware that the great trickster works overtime when you are in pain. Turn your Scars into Stars. Say goodbye to the trickster. Keep flicking him off your shoulders. Stay positive. Stay in goodness. Decide to take control of your mind. Act upon this decision by doing exercises to control the mind. Be positive all the time. Be willing to do the WORK. The work is to have a good mind and a pure heart. Affirm this to yourself daily.

Be active every day in your choices of your thoughts, words, actions and intent. Weeding out the negatives and seeding the positives until it becomes a habit and the mind is fully re-trained. The mind must be cleaned out and reprogrammed the same as a computer. Become the master of your mind.

As a man thinks today so it will become for him in his future.

May I suggest that you purchase my book "Discover the Power of Thoughts"

It is full of great charts, tools and exercises to help you to become the master over your mind.

From my book " Discover the Power Of Thoughts." Published in 2001.

Shirley Carton published author of self help life skills books, C.D.'s and articles. Expert on the evolution of consciousness, personal growth, intuition and meditation. Visit Shirley 300 on

Abraham Maslow

Need Mental Imagery

Do you own the secret-weapon for concentration, learning and memory improvement?

Many are called; few are chosen is a clich. It applies to our secret weapon because owning MI (Mental-Imagery), is not the same as using it for super-success and personal growth.

Can you instantly see yourself in your minds-eye smiling as they hand you a fancy diploma, or shaking your hand to congratulate you on promotion to divisional v.p.?

All healthy folks are hardwired to use their conscious mind to create specific mental-movies of their choice. In fact we have attended to mental-imagery all our lives. It is called Daydreaming, Night-dreaming, and Creative Imagination.

Geniuses call it intuition; religious folks identify the results as miracles; the rest of us see it as inspirations to quantum-leaps of discovery.

Two Kinds of MI (Mental Imagery)

Interviewing thousands of graduates, the feedback is: 98.6% of MI is subconscious and involuntary. It just happens to us randomly and fortuitously.

The second, infinitesimal MI, is consciously placed in our minds-eye by a personal decision; we will it to appear. Few and far between.

Heres why you should care: MI is either ANTs Automatic Negative Thoughts, or APTs, Automatic Positive Thoughts. Some neuroscientific studies conclude we have over two-hundred ANTs, compared to less than five APTs.

So What?

Mental Imagery has a direct effect on our chosen behaviors. We tend to do what we imagine, what we see on the movie-screen of our mind.

We are unaware of MIs because they are faster than Speedy Gonzalez, last only a second at a time, but return repetitiously as mostly negative feedback. They are like visual roadmaps steering us to where our non-conscious mind directs us to go.

Uncontrolled, our typical MI is negative and disturbing of our comfort-zone. Can you picture yourself shooting the basketball, and completely missing the hoop and backboard? It does not have to be a Championship game, just important to you

You freak-out, curse the ball and hoop, and ultimately the ANTs make their appearance. Dumb SOB, are you handicapped? - you hear in your mind. What now happens is your anger activates your Sympathetic Nervous System, and you get a killer dose of Adrenalin (Epinephrine), and sail into chronic stress.

If you carefully watch sports or your own environment the ANTs make the screamer much worse, and actually program him/her to fail a second and a third time. Why?

The mental-movies we play on the movie-screen of our mind is our roadmap to our actions and behaviors. Remember the power of mental-imagery directly affects our decisions and behavioral options. We cannot see straight.

Mutisensory Training Rules

Published August, 2006 in Current Biology, is a great article by Professor Aaron Seitz of Boston University, and the scientists at UCLA. It has the hot, catchy title of Multisensory Training.

Profound conclusion: when you engage more than one of you gross senses, you gain faster improvement in learning and memory. Do not stick to just a single sense to learn optimally.

Example: After you finish reading, the second step to Master-Learning is reading aloud your personal summary-review of the book, report, or article. This gives it stickiness for lonB68g-term memory.


You are using two of your gross senses vision and auditory. How much better? Up to 28% in our research. Want to double it? Simultaneously read aloud, while you write a synopsis of the text you study.

This time you have actively involved vision, auditory and touch (kinesthetic), the Big Three senses. Your memory will 2x by moving from a single sense perception, to a multisensory system. Perceive means to comprehend, understand or digest. If you can figure a way to add the sense of smell or taste you improve even more.

Conscious or Unconscious

When we feel anxious, stressed or afraid, or angry, ashamed, and embarrassed, our brain responds to these negative feelings with ANTs. It creates at a non-conscious level, a new mental-movie of death, destruction and disaster; it wipes out our positive goals, hopes and burning desire.

Remember, it kicks in automatically using memories of previous failure, rejection, and loss. Old programming is the most powerful, and turns us into robots of negativity.


It shows us pictures and mental-movies of how we should react and we follow- through like a pet dog performing its trained tricks.


The secret of APTs Automatic Positive thoughts is consciously substituting them for the non-conscious ANTs. First, mentally say-and-hear the two-words Cancel/Cancel whenever a ANT offers you negative feedback in the form of MI or negative feelings.

You know how to instantly program your Still, Small Mental Voice, to repeat the phrase Cancel/Cancel - three-times in a row. We call it Sub-Vox, Subvocalization, or stream-of consciousness. It is the same voice that narrates in your minds-ear every text or story you read. Do it how hear the words Cancel/Cancel!

You got it! That is your Target Affirmation to defeat ANTs; repeat with emotion 3x.


The second step to eliminating ANTs is by substituting new, positive Mental-Imagery in their place. Do it now! Instantly picture yourself on a sunny beach, cozying up to noisy waves of the beautiful ocean. Feel the warm sun on your skin, and be aware of the wide smile on your face of deep relaxation.

You can change your MI in a millisecond; it takes awareness, attention and a desire. Nothing to it, right? The results are amazing small changes lead to Massive-Reactions, said Dr. Edward Lorenz of MIT.

If it is so easy, how come you never attempted it before?

Answer: there are two ways we human-beans learn. The first is by Practice (repetition). Unfortunately, you have been practicing ANTs.

The second learning system is by Coaching and now you have no excuse for creating chronic stress in your life you have just been coached in Substitution.

Last point we specifically learn by Observation, Trial5A1-And-Error or Lecture. Figure it out have you been using your natural gifts and talents to learn or ignoring your powerful MI skills?

See ya,

copyright 2006
H. Bernard Wechsler

Author of Speed Reading For Professionals, published by Barron's; former business partner of Evelyn Wood, creator of Speed Reading, graduating 4 million, including the White House Staff of four U.S. Presidents.

Brian Tracy

Find the Absolute Secret to Your Success

Life can be a challenge under the best of circumstances. Juggling a job, a family, friends, and finding time alone can be quite a circus act for some people. Sometimes, just keeping a head above water seems like a modicum of success. But, with only one life to live, would you like to do better than just getting by? Would you like a fantastic life of wealth, love, and happiness? Then, you need to find the absolute secret to your success.

No gimmicks, no get-rich-quick schemes. No hypnosis or even hocus-pocus. The secret is simply finding the key to your ultimate success. Once you use the key to unlock the door of your potential future, boundless success is just around the corner. After you read about the secret and put it into practice, you life will start a positive change overnight.

How you approach life, how you envision yourself and the future will completely change, once you have read, and put into practice the six steps to success in all areas of your life. How do I know? For the answer to that question, you need to know a little bit of history.

Originally, 8 books were published in 1926. As the Little Red Book hit the shelves, many people started receiving the benefits of knowing the key found in knowing the secret to personal success. An abnormal high percentage of people soon became millionaires. However, supposedly in a bid for power, the all-powerful Church banded the sale of the book in 1933. As a result, the secret was lost for a time.

Until one day, a gentleman found books in his grandmas attic. Saddened at her passing, and curious as to why she kept these books hidden away, he sat down to read. As a result, he learned the key to success in every avenue of life, and he decided to share the answers he found within the pages.

Instead of printing and marketing 8 books, he chose to consolidate the valuable information contained within the pages into one single volume. He knew the books combined only contained the one key to his present success.

The young mans solution is not a bunch of fad answers to lifes problems, nor is it a feel good message to cover up the challenges either. The message deals with changing your view about life and how to approach challenges and triumphs, and practical advice on how to make the key turn your own personal lock of success and happiness. Once you have the key, you too can find the absolute secret to your success.

As the late great Albert Einstein once said "The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results". Is it time for you to change what you are doing and achieve the results that you want? Or are you going to go through the rest of your life slowly going insane? Only you have the power to choose the next step and what direction you will take.

Paul Sutherland is an Accelerated Business Growth Coach. His company - Daniel Thomas International is also heavily involved in personal development and growth. For that reason a website was created. Here you will find some of the very best tried tested and proven methods for creating the life you really want to achieve.

Don't make the mistake of trying the same old things and expecting different results. Make a real difference in your life right now and find out what works in the real world.

Thomas Jefferson

How to Will Yourself to Success

One challenge of the human condition is gathering the strength and courage to break through the barriers we erect which keep us from confronting personal problems and challenges. It seems that avoidance and fear are the twin killers to personal progress. Why is it that some of us can motivate ourselves to accomplish everyday tasks and set long-term goals? Why is it that others of us often avoid, procrastinate, and waste valuable time agonizing about our inability to carry out self-rewarding behaviors?

The implication of willing ourselves to success affects every aspect of our life. Some of us desire to lose weight, change jobs, exercise, make new frien5B4ds, or learn new skills, but create resistance affecting our chances for a positive outcome. Why do we choose the road of self-defeating behavior even though we know that a different course of action will bring us to our desired goals and a sense of fulfillment?

The will to act must be greater than the power to resist. In other words, the urge to accomplish a task or goal must create an inner momentum until its force becomes irresistible. For some, this means a mounting cascade of frustration and anger, or a sense of being fed-up with the status-quo. The constructive passion to achieve drowns out the inner voice of inertia. Often, people tell me that an inner voice keeps hounding them until the clamoring sounds of change are strong enough to break the impasse.

Often people will resist the road to change because of a pattern of prior failure. They might say, Ive tried that route and it didnt work. They may view the motivation to change as an either/or process. Either Im 100% successful or Im a total louse. They may overlook the subtle changes that are necessary to complete a task. Established goals may be unrealistic and set the stage for failure. An additional obstacle may pop up when one starts down the road of progress and faces a period of regression. The back-sliding may be viewed as a monumental setback rather than a part of the growth process and may lead one to completely give up on5B4 a new endeavor.

Those who are unmotivated tend to harbor self-blame. They will blame themselves for their inability to change or will chastise themselves for any behavioral setback. With a mind-set of victim-posturing, the unmotivated individual will say, Its no use; no matter how hard I try, I will always come up short; its just my nature. Self-blame becomes an excuse for not trying. The self-centered focus is on personal failure rather than the impetus to move forward in spite of failure.

Often people remain unmotivated because they fear success. Those who contemplate losing weight might say, What if I lost weight and start to look more attractive? How would that affect the way others view me? My friend might want to date me and I dont know if I am ready for that! The fear of success often keeps one tied to the safety-net of the past.

The foundation for willing oneself to success begins with the process of setting goals. An individual must start with identifying what he really wants and needs. must be reframed to reflect a positive way of perceiving events. A friend who was unhappy with her life once told me, I know that I am withdrawing from people and I believe that it is bad for me. What she really needed to say is, I need to feel connected to other people; I want to find a way to make that happen. How we frame our thinking helps us to determine ways in which we will a5B4ct on them.

It is very difficult to move forward when you dont know where you are going. Setting realistic goals is essential to increasing our self-motivation. Goals need to be identified and chunked down into smaller steps. This makes getting motivated less overwhelming and easier to manage.

Giving yourself permission is an important ingredient to creating motivation. Often, people lack a sense of inner permission because they have relied on others to lead their lives. The fact that they have depended on others to direct their life makes them feel incompetent and thwarts forward-moving change.

Fully functioning people dont wait, they dont procrastinate, but they act. Life is too short. The fear of passing time may give us a sense of urgency about changing our life and making things right. Such a feeling of urgency may create the conditions necessary for changing the quality of our character and behavior. We dont have forever to will ourselves to success. Today is the day to redeem that which we have put on hold.

James P Krehbiel, Ed.S., LPC, CCBT is an author, a freelance writer and cognitive-behavioral therapist practicing in Scottsdale, Arizona. He can be reached through his website at http://www.krehbielcounseling.2B3com.

Stonewall Jackson

Review and Refine

Periodically re-check and refine (or redefine) your goals

It's no use struggling to meet a goal that, by the time you get there, no longer fits in with your life. During obvious stopping spots along the way (say, every 10 lbs on a weight loss goal, or when you've saved enough for a down payment as part of a house-ownership goal), take a few days to sit back and really feel how you are reacting to reaching this milestone. Are you excited, chomping at the bit - or nervous, with slight overtones of dread or entrapment?

Some nervousness is to be expected if you're reaching out in a totally new direction in life, and it's only fair to expect that not all feelings you have will be cheery and rosy, even if you truly want the goal you're heading for. There is, at the very least, some mourning to go through for the loss of your old ways and your old life. But take time to make sure that you aren't ignoring obvious signals that are screaming, "Run away! Run away!" for good reaso587ns. Wedding jitters, for example, are perfectly normal; however, trepidation about abusive behavior, which doesn't seem to be declining (despite promises to the contrary), is another ball game altogether. Make sure that the goal you reach is the goal you want.

(c) Soni Pitts


Soni Pitts is the Chief Visionary Butt-Kicker of SoniPitts.Com. She specializes in helping others reclaim "soul proprietorship" in their lives and to begin living the life their Creator always intended for them.

She is the author of the free e-book "50 Ways To Reach Your Goals" and over 100 self-help and inspirational articles, as well as other products and resources designed to facilitate this process of personal growth and spiritual development.

David Hawkins

Growing Others Into What They Could Be

"A true Master is not the one with the most students, but one who creates the most Masters. A true leader is not the one with the most followers, but one who creates the most leaders." Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations With God: An Uncommon Dialogue

I was doing fairly well in grades one to three - especially in reading. Then I hit a terrible teacher in grade four. She made school so unhappy and unappealing, she almost caused me to drop out of course I would have waited another few years to make it official. However, in grades five and six I came under the nurturing of Mrs. Westman. I vividly remember her saying after I'd read a composition to the class; "someday I won't be surprised to see your name on a book." Her encouraging words simmered in my subconscious for years and helped me to see new possibilities for myself. Twenty years later my first book, The VIP Strategy: Leadership Skills for Exceptional Performance, was published. It was a real pleasure to present her with one of the very fir5B4st copies inscribed with a warm thank you message. Her family and the local paper ensured that she got the recognition she so richly deserved.

Most people see others as they are, a leader sees them as they could be. Leaders like Mrs. Westman see beyond the current problems and limitations to help others see their own possibilities. It's a key part of our own growth and development. We continue to grow when we help others grow and develop. That's the second half of the two part growing and developing circle. The first part is our own growth and development. We can't develop others if our own growth is stunted. The two parts of the growing and developing circle depend upon and support each other. We develop ourselves while we're developing others. By developing others, we develop ourselves further. This allows us to develop others still further the growth circle spirals ever upward. The reverse is also true. By failing to develop myself and others, my growth and development circle spins downward.

The art of developing others is the art of assisting their self-discovery. The 15th century Italian physicist and astronomer, Galileo put it this way, "you cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within himself." This leads us to the developing-without-teaching paradox. The ancient Chinese philosopher, Lao-Tzu, described it like this; "superior leaders get things done with very little motion. They impart 5B4instruction not through many words, but through a few deeds. They keep informed about everything but interfere hardly at all. They are catalysts, and though things would not get done as well if they weren't there, when they succeed they take no credit. And because they take no credit, credit never leaves them."

Growing and developing others is one of management's key responsibilities. The traditional view of management is getting work done through people, but strong leaders develop people through work. As managers, team leaders, or team members, we can't be much help in developing others if we don't really know where they're trying to go. Once we understand that, we can work to align their development goals with those of the team or organization. They don't always match, but generally it's not too difficult to bring them together.

A similar approach applies to our parental leadership role with teenagers. The deepest love we can show our sons and daughters is to help them discover their unique purpose and uncover their special talents. That can be especially tough if it doesn't match the dreams we may have for them. Our leadership task is to help them be all that they can be, not what we would like to be if we were in their place.

Excerpted from Jim's fourth bestseller, Growing the Distance: Timeless Principles fo560r Personal, Career, and Family Success. View the book's unique format and content, Introduction and Chapter One, and feedback showing why nearly 100,000 copies are now in print at Jim's new companion book to Growing the Distance is The Leader's Digest: Timeless Principles for Team and Organization Success. Jim Clemmer is an internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, workshop/retreat leader, and management team developer on leadership, change, customer focus, culture, teams, and personal growth. His web site is

David Deida

Reality-Building 201 - What 3 Actions Can You Take Now to Be Successful?

Have you ever seen someone who constantly struggles? Not just financially, but emotionally, and sometimes physically. Nothing ever goes right in their life. Just ask them; they'll tell you.

If you could look inside this person's head, you'd probably see a mess of self-doubt and vague wishes. They might not even realize that this is the life they created, but if you could go back 6 to 12 months in the past and look at their thoughts, you would see that's exactly what they've done.

As a network marketer, there are many actions you must take to create the reality you choose. Most of these are not easy, but if you can make them into habits, your success as a network marketer is almost guaranteed.

One such action is thinking for yourself. Thinking for yourself means asking questions. Doing things the way you always did means you'll get the same results you've always gotten. Asking questions can signify a departure from old ways that no longer serve their purpose.

Without questioning, you become a robot. You do things just because others tell you to do them. You endure because others say you should. You don't ask yourself, "Is the pain worth the prize?" You never find out if there's a better way to accomplish your goals.

Thinking for yourself also means to always place experience over authority. Nobody, regardless of what they say, can claim to be the ultimate network marketing authority. This is not to say you shouldn't listen to your upline. If you hand out 1,000 flyers, however, and get one call back, don't you think you could spend that time more productively?

When you think for yourself, you must understand people. Your upline might be from a generation where it was OK to approach people in a parking lot to present your business. Maybe they were even successful doing it that way. They're not trying to mislead you, just to teach you the business the way they learned.

Thinking for yourself is not, by any means, the easiest way to do things, but it is always the best. Anyone can follow the crowd and obtain mediocre results. Leaders constantly question their actions, asking themselves if there might be a better way to do things.

We can choose our own thoughts. Regardless of what happens to us on the outside, we control what goes on in our minds. We can choose to be a drone and follow what everyone else is doing, or we can use our minds to break away from the pack and achieve our goals.

As network marketers, we must keep in mind that we are where we are today because of our thoughts. If you find yourself lacking today, go back and examine what your thoughts were yesterday, last month, 6 months ago. Your reality always corresponds with your thoughts.

Because of this, it's vitally important to think constructively. Successful network marketers don't waste time or energy focusing on what might go wrong. They seldom mull over unpleasant encounters, or hold grudges. They constantly ask themselves, "How can I make things better than they are right now?"

If you really want to create you own reality, it's extremely important to know what that reality consists of. What does success mean to you? How will you know when you're there? To know your outcome is one of the most important aspects of creating the life you choose.

This needs to be more than just a vague dream. Just wishing for a big house or a bunch of free time is not enough. A big house to you might not be a big house to Michael Jackson, and people in prison have lots of free time.

This is where goals come into play. Notice I didn't say wishes. Goals imply something needs to be done to achieve an end. Effective goals are specific, never open-ended. You need to have a vivid picture in your mind of where you are going. Without that, how can you get there, and how would you know if you did?

You accomplish goals by working backwards. Say you want $500,000.00 a year in residual income. Breaking that down, ask yourself how much you would need to make in 1 year. What would you need to be doing during that year to achieve that? What would you need to do for the next 6 months? 1 month?

What would you need to do today, right now, to achieve that goal? If you can remember to keep the end in sight, your smaller goals will be easier to accomplish. Never forget why you're prospecting.

The thoughts you think lead you to the actions you take. The actions you take regularly become habits. If you can develop enough constructive habits, no force in the world can stop you from achieving your dreams.

Gregory McGuire is a successful network marketer living in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

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