Monday, July 28, 2008

Persistence Pays Off

Persistence is to success as excuses are to failure. Never, never give up - there is always a way.

Jim Rohn said, "If you want something, you will find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse." And he should know. A college drop-out, and in a rut, in debt and unable to see his way out by his mid-twenties, Jim set out to achieve more. And he did. His persistence paid off and by age 31, he was a millionaire.

If you want more, you WILL find a way, because there always IS a way. With persistence and consistent action you will make it happen. If you don't believe me, keep reading.

Did you know that Thomas Edison had over 10,000 failed attempts to create the light bulb before he was successful? His persistence was as valuable as his invention. 10,000 failed attempts and look what he created! Even if you're not out to change the world, what could you create with an unresolved persistence?

Allyson Felix made it to the Olympics in just over one year. With an intense training schedule of five to six hours per day, her persistence paid off. By the end of her training season in 2003, she had broken many records, including one set by Olympic Gold Medalist, Marion Jones. At the 2004 Olympics, she won the Silver Medal by running a 22.18 in the 200-meter race. Amazingly, she did all of this while being a high-school senior and a freshman college student.

Persistence always pays off - and sometimes big time! It's a known fact that more business deals are inked when one of the parties is persistent. Now, being persistent is not the same as being pushy; rather, it is voicing your ideal fit and expertise to someone that may not be aware of the benefits they will receive working with you. They will appreciate your persistence and the benefits - but you have to make them known.

You've probably heard of Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, and their best-selling book series, Chicken Soup for the Soul. Did you know they marketed the original books to over 130 publishers, over a two-year period before a struggling publisher agreed to publish it. That's two years of phone calls, foot-peddling and persistence that started a best-selling book series. The authors knew the value of the book, it came down to making it known to the right publisher. Once the publisher saw the value, they knew what the benefits would be. Their first book went on to sell 8 million copies in 39 languages. And to date, the series has sold more than 100 million copies in over 45 languages.

At one point, JK Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter book series was on welfare and so broke that she wrote her story on pub napkins. She could have easily given up on writing, but she was persistent in her passion. She finished the first Harry Potter novel, found a literary agent and went to work marketing her book. Today, she is one of the wealthiest women in the world, with a net worth of about $1 billion dollars.

There are thousands of examples of ordinary people achieving extraordinary goals; these are just a few examples of how persistence paid off. Achieving your goals requires you to take consistent action, be persistent, and maintain a resolve to simply not give up. Below are steps you can take today, to get you closer to achieving your goals.

1. Take Measurable Actions - Every Day!

Persistence takes action. Take at least 3 actions every day that support goal achievement. If you need funding for your venture, then get on the phone and find an investor. If you want to lose weight, then eat well and exercise. If you want a new job, then take steps to make yourself a prime job candidate for the right company. Consistent action and persistence pays off.

2. Keep Showing Up

If you believe in what you're doing, just keep showing up. You never know when your break-through opportunity will appear, so bring your best to every situation. When the right opportunity appears, you'll be ready!

3. Remain Objective About Your Obstacles

Don't get emotional about the obstacles in front of you. Remember, there is always a way, and your success is inevitable. You just have to figure out how to move over, around or under your challenges.

4. Learn to Say "Next!"

Don't take rejections personally; they are nothing more than the natural process of weeding out the sub-prime opportunities. You're on the road to success and want to put your energies toward something that will be ideal for all parties involved - including you. The right opportunity will be met with an enthusiastic "Yes"!

5. Track Your Progress

It's easier to be persistent when you can see how far you've come. Track your progress and achievements so you can see how much closer you're getting with every step forward.

The road to success isn't always easy - but it isn't always hard. There may be times when you have to talk yourself through periods of self-doubt, and there will definitely be times when you defy the odds. Never, never give up because there is always a way to achieve your goals and experience the life you truly desire.

Every action of every day between now and your goal achievement counts. Take action, bring your best, find solutions to your obstacles, and say "Next!" to your rejections. Feel good about how far you've come and be persistent until you achieve your goals!

2007 Anne Bachrach.

Anne M. Bachrach is President of A.M. Enterprises in San Diego, CA. Anne has 23 years of experience training and coaching. The objective is to do more business in less time through maximizing people's true potential, and ultimately leading them to an even better quality of life. For more information on our services and learning tools, call Anne at 858-456-0160, or e-mail

Persistence Pays Off

Persistence is to success as excuses are to failure. Never, never give up - there is always a way.

Jim Rohn said, "If you want something, you will find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse." And he should know. A college drop-out, and in a rut, in debt and unable to see his way out by his mid-twenties, Jim set out to achieve more. And he did. His persistence paid off and by age 31, he was a millionaire.

If you want more, you WILL find a way, because there always IS a way. With persistence and consistent action you will make it happen. If you don't believe me, keep reading.

Did you know that Thomas Edison had over 10,000 failed attempts to create the light bulb before he was successful? His persistence was as valuable as his invention. 10,000 failed attempts and look what he created! Even if you're not out to change the world, what could you create with an unresolved persistence?

Allyson Felix made it to the Olympics in just over one year. With an intense training schedule of five to six hours per day, her persistence paid off. By the end of her training season in 2003, she had broken many records, including one set by Olympic Gold Medalist, Marion Jones. At the 2004 Olympics, she won the Silver Medal by running a 22.18 in the 200-meter race. Amazingly, she did all of this while being a high-school senior and a freshman college student.

Persistence always pays off - and sometimes big time! It's a known fact that more business deals are inked when one of the parties is persistent. Now, being persistent is not the same as being pushy; rather, it is voicing your ideal fit and expertise to someone that may not be aware of the benefits they will receive working with you. They will appreciate your persistence and the benefits - but you have to make them known.

You've probably heard of Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, and their best-selling book series, Chicken Soup for the Soul. Did you know they marketed the original books to over 130 publishers, over a two-year period before a struggling publisher agreed to publish it. That's two years of phone calls, foot-peddling and persistence that started a best-selling book series. The authors knew the value of the book, it came down to making it known to the right publisher. Once the publisher saw the value, they knew what the benefits would be. Their first book went on to sell 8 million copies in 39 languages. And to date, the series has sold more than 100 million copies in over 45 languages.

At one point, JK Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter book series was on welfare and so broke that she wrote her story on pub napkins. She could have easily given up on writing, but she was persistent in her passion. She finished the first Harry Potter novel, found a literary agent and went to work marketing her book. Today, she is one of the wealthiest women in the world, with a net worth of about $1 billion dollars.

There are thousands of examples of ordinary people achieving extraordinary goals; these are just a few examples of how persistence paid off. Achieving your goals requires you to take consistent action, be persistent, and maintain a resolve to simply not give up. Below are steps you can take today, to get you closer to achieving your goals.

1. Take Measurable Actions - Every Day!

Persistence takes action. Take at least 3 actions every day that support goal achievement. If you need funding for your venture, then get on the phone and find an investor. If you want to lose weight, then eat well and exercise. If you want a new job, then take steps to make yourself a prime job candidate for the right company. Consistent action and persistence pays off.

2. Keep Showing Up

If you believe in what you're doing, just keep showing up. You never know when your break-through opportunity will appear, so bring your best to every situation. When the right opportunity appears, you'll be ready!

3. Remain Objective About Your Obstacles

Don't get emotional about the obstacles in front of you. Remember, there is always a way, and your success is inevitable. You just have to figure out how to move over, around or under your challenges.

4. Learn to Say "Next!"

Don't take rejections personally; they are nothing more than the natural process of weeding out the sub-prime opportunities. You're on the road to success and want to put your energies toward something that will be ideal for all parties involved - including you. The right opportunity will be met with an enthusiastic "Yes"!

5. Track Your Progress

It's easier to be persistent when you can see how far you've come. Track your progress and achievements so you can see how much closer you're getting with every step forward.

The road to success isn't always easy - but it isn't always hard. There may be times when you have to talk yourself through periods of self-doubt, and there will definitely be times when you defy the odds. Never, never give up because there is always a way to achieve your goals and experience the life you truly desire.

Every action of every day between now and your goal achievement counts. Take action, bring your best, find solutions to your obstacles, and say "Next!" to your rejections. Feel good about how far you've come and be persistent until you achieve your goals!

2007 Anne Bachrach.

Anne M. Bachrach is President of A.M. Enterprises in San Diego, CA. Anne has 23 years of experience training and coaching. The objective is to do more business in less time through maximizing people's true potential, and ultimately leading them to an even better quality of life. For more information on our services and learning tools, call Anne at 858-456-0160, or e-mail

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Do You Know What Triggers You?

Do you ever wonder why you're able to get along so well with some people, while others send you up the wall? Why is it that one of your children seems to make parenting seem easy, while the other child seems to be a constant challenge in your life? Do you ever wonder why at one moment you so adore your partner, and the next moment you're questioning why you ever got into the relationship? Let's take a closer look at what causes these triggers in our lives.

The people, things, and ideas in the world that we have a strong reaction to, that we reject, hate or judge, represent parts of ourselves that we have disowned or rejected. Sigmund Freud referred to this as the repressed side of us and Carl Jung called this our shadow side. In any case, many in the field of psychology or personal growth arena look at these "button pushers" as our teachers, bringing us gifts. The gifts are the opportunity to learn more about ourselves, increase our self-awareness597 and become more balanced and at peace in our present lives and in the world.

Think of all of the people who upset you or "push your buttons". Do they have similar traits or aspects to their personalities or do they fall within a few categories like selfish or self-centered or perhaps know-it-alls or whiners or super achievers? Could this be because you've never allowed yourself to be selfish? Has you role always been to be selfless? Have you lacked the ability to express what you know with confidence and self-assurance? Have you received the message that it's never okay for you to whine? Have you not been able to become that superachiever you've always wanted to be?

As long as a trait or aspect of ourselves is denied or disowned, we will continue to attract people into our lives that carry that trait and "push our buttons"...if not a partner, child or friend it might be your boss, subordinate or the waiter at your favorite restaurant. Once we embrace a disowned part, or at the very least, learn to accept that part within ourselves, it will no longer wield the same power over us, triggering us the way it once did.

For More Articles by Therapists on this and other Topics, go to

10 Steps To Achieving Maximum Performance Through Recognition

As a conscientious leader, you can:

Build a high performance team

Value your team members

Bring out the best in each of the members of the team

Employees will actually become a part of the team. This will happen when they feel included in plans for the future and when they feel rewarded for achieving goals. Everyone wants to be part of the team, part of the company, part of the big picture.

Being included doesnt mean being consulted or being asked for approval. It does mean taking those employees into consideration and keeping them informed of the plan and the progress.

Being rewarded for achieving goals doesnt have to include money or awards but in fact could be just high 5s and back patting as steps are achieved along the way. Show them that you understand that they actually helped achieve that goal. I read that at MDI, every time a major contract was signed, a giant gong in the entrance room was gonged loudly enough so everybody in the building heard it and knew of that success. Timing is important

The word rewarded, conjures up thoughts of money or gifts that are considered expenses or costs. Rewards can of course range anywhere from a thanks, you did a good job to Cash bonuses and everywhere in between. Promotional products fit almost every catagory except cash.

Rewards can be the success of the company and the continuance of operation or even expansion which could lead to promotions and long term employment.

Actual rewards should be considered as investments.


Set criteria for awards program, Present lasting, personalized awards

Standard, classy timeless awards stand the test of time

A personalized award will be kept and treasured

A functional gift will be used and discarded.

Trendy and gimmicky gifts are fun for a while

When your company name is on an award, you are in fact advertising your company while rewarding or acknowledging someone. Everyone will see the image you project.

Set clear objectives for your company


Management & Shareholder needs

Company Vision and Mission Statements


Main or Key products

Ancilliary products

Possible new products


Short term goal, 1 year goal, 5 year goals, beyond Year end

Expansion/merger/takeover plans


Product Volume

Dollar Value



Progress tracking



1. Timing, Timing, Timing. (Not Location, Location, Location)

2. Quality (not cheap, does the trick)

3. Appropriateness (choose the award to match the event)

4. First Impression, Last Impression (there is a 'right' time to make it the best)

5. Corporate Image ( everyone sees what you project. Be good and be constant )

6. Achievability of contests or programs ( make sure you get winners)

7. Image building. Communicate/advertise the program, the winners (You want your image to travel.)

8. Reciprocation creates obligation payoff repayment (be cognizant and make it your advantage.)

9. Consistency exudes reliability ( you see this in all the major players )

10. Focus on all, one at a time
- Families
- Community

Is it all about Recognition, Promotional Products, Awards Program and Incentives? NO!! It's about business. It's about you. It's about them.

You've heard it said 'Business is Business' but I believe more and more that 'Business is Family'. Sure there are times when bad things happen but you get over it, solve the problems and get back to business. Get the 'family' working again.

My name is Rod Winning I own and operate Winning FairWays Inc. Promotional Products for Success I can be contacted at

Rod Winning is President of Winning FairWays Inc. Promotional Products for Success. contact him at or at

Stress Management Techniques

The simple realization that you are in control of your life is the foundation of stress management

Living with high levels of stress, can putt your entire health at risk. Stress wreaks havoc on your emotional stability, as well as your physical health. It tapers with your ability to think clearly, function effectively, and enjoy life.

Causes of Stress

Stress may be because of any physical, chemical, or emotional factors that cause bodily or mental unrest and that may even cause physical sickness. Stress also has effects on the immune system. Chronic (long-term) stress has the effect of (wearing down) the iB68mmune system, leading to an increased susceptibility to colds and other infections.

Physical and chemical factors that can cause stress include trauma, infections, toxins, illnesses, and injuries of any sort. Emotional causes of stress and tension are numerous and varied.

How to Manage Stress

Stress is a daily part of our life; it would be absolutely foolish to think that we can eliminate it from our lives completely. What we can do is to manage it and not let it cripple us.

Learn to say (no) : This is the most important step,know your limits and stick to them. Whether in your personal or professional life, refuse to accept extra responsibilities that you know will cause you distress.

Avoid people who stress you out : If someone constantly causes stress in your life and you can not turn the relationship around, limit the amount of time you spend with that person or end the relationship entirely.

Take control of your environment : Avoid environments that stress you, if traffic is got you tense, take a longer but less-traveled route. If shopping is an unpleasant chore, do your grocery shopping online or ask someone to help out.

Avoid heated topics : If you get upset over religion or politics, avoid talking about them. If you repeatedly argue about the same subject with the same people you are bound to be stressed.

Know your limits: evaluate your schedule, responsibilities, and daily tasks. If you have got too much on your plate, drop tasks that are not truly necessary to the bottom or eliminate them entirely.

Express instead of bottling up- If something or someone is bothering you, communicate your concerns in an open and polite way. If you do not voice your feelings, resentment will build creating unnecessary stress.

Compromise- When you ask someone to change their actions, be willing to do the same. If you both are willing to bend a little, you will find a middle ground.

Be more assertive- If you need something ask for it. Deal with problems head on, doing your best to anticipate and prevent them.

Manage your time better- Poor time management can cause a lot of stress. When you are stretched too thin and running behind, it is hard to stay calm and focused. But if you plan ahead, you can avoid these stress-inducing pitfalls.

Do not try to control the uncontrollable- Many things in life are beyond our control particularly the behavior of other people. Rather than stressing out over them, focus on the things you can control.

Look for the Bright side- When facing major challenges try to look at them as opportunities for personal growth.

Share your feelings- Talk to a trusted friend or a therapist. Expressing what you are going through can be very therapeutic, even if there is nothing you can do to alter the stressful situation.

Learn to forgive- Let go of anger and resentments35F.Free yourself from negative energy by forgiving and moving on.

Include relaxation time-Include rest and relaxation in your daily schedule. Do not allow other obligations to encroach. This is your time to take a break from all responsibilities and recharge your batteries.Make time for leisure activities that bring you joy, whether it be stargazing, playing the piano, or working on your bike.

Create a Support system- A strong support system will buffer you from the negative effects of stress. Spend time with positive people who enhance your life

Exercise regularly. Physical activity plays a key role in reducing and preventing the effects of stress. Make time for at least 30 minutes of exercise, three times per week. Nothing beats aerobic exercise for releasing pent-up stress and tension.

Eat a healthy diet- Start your day right5A2 with breakfast, and keep your energy up and your mind clear with balanced, nutritious meals throughout the day.

Reduce caffeine and sugar- The temporary "highs" caffeine and sugar provide often end in with a crash in mood and energy. By reducing the amount of coffee, soft drinks, chocolate, and sugar snacks in your diet, you will feel more relaxed and you will sleep better.

Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs- alcohol or drugs may provide an easy escape from stress, but the relief is only temporary. Later the stress simply piles on plus your health starts to suffer.

Get enough sleep-Feeling tired will increase your stress because it may cause you to think irrationally.

Ashish Bhattacharya armed with a degree in East Asian Therapies from China, Currently working in a Mauritius Spa Resort, one of the leading Ayurvedic Spa Mauritius.

Find the Absolute Secret to Your Success

Life can be a challenge under the best of circumstances. Juggling a job, a family, friends, and finding time alone can be quite a circus act for some people. Sometimes, just keeping a head above water seems like a modicum of success. But, with only one life to live, would you like to do better than just getting by? Would you like a fantastic life of wealth, love, and happiness? Then, you need to find the absolute secret to your success.

No gimmicks, no get-rich-quick schemes. No hypnosis or even hocus-pocus. The secret is simply finding the key to your ultimate success. Once you use the key to unlock the door of your potential future, boundless success is just around the corner. After you read about the secret and put it into practice, you life will start a positive change overnight.

How you approach life, how you envision yourself and the future will completely change, once you have read, and put into practice the six steps to success in all areas of your life. How do I know? For the answer to that question, you need to know a little bit of history.

Originally, 8 books were published in 1926. As the Little Red Book hit the shelves, many people started receiving the benefits of knowing the key found in knowing the secret to personal success. An abnormal high percentage of people soon became millionaires. However, supposedly in a bid for power, the all-powerful Church banded the sale of the book in 1933. As a result, the secret was lost for a time.

Until one day, a gentleman found books in his grandmas attic. Saddened at her passing, and curious as to why she kept these books hidden away, he sat down to read. As a result, he learned the key to success in every avenue of life, and he decided to share the answers he found within the pages.

Instead of printing and marketing 8 books, he chose to consolidate the valuable information contained within the pages into one single volume. He knew the books combined only contained the one key to his present success.

The young mans solution is not a bunch of fad answers to lifes problems, nor is it a feel good message to cover up the challenges either. The message deals with changing your view about life and how to approach challenges and triumphs, and practical advice on how to make the key turn your own personal lock of success and happiness. Once you have the key, you too can find the absolute secret to your success.

As the late great Albert Einstein once said "The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results". Is it time for you to change what you are doing and achieve the results that you want? Or are you going to go through the rest of your life slowly going insane? Only you have the power to choose the next step and what direction you will take.

Paul Sutherland is an Accelerated Business Growth Coach. His company - Daniel Thomas International is also heavily involved in personal development and growth. For that reason a website was created. Here you will find some of the very best tried tested and proven methods for creating the life you really want to achieve.

Don't make the mistake of trying the same old things and expecting different results. Make a real difference in your life right now and find out what works in the real world.

Define Motivation

Motivation can be defined in a number of ways. Generally, it is defined as a driving force that initiates and directs behavior. In other words, motivation is a kind of internal energy which drives a person to do something in order to achieve something. It is a temporal or dynamic state within a person which is not concerned with his/her personality. There are different types of motivation such as achievement motivation, affiliation motivation, competence motivation, power motivation, and attitude motivation.

Motivation is based on three specific aspects such as the arousal of behavior, the direction of behavior, and persistence of behavior. Arousal of behavior involves what activates human behavior and direction of behavior is concerned with what directs behavior towards a specific goal. Persistence of behavior is concerned with how the behavior is sustained.

Various studies have been conducted to understand the different motives that drive a person to success. Motives are categorized into three: homeostatic motives, nonhomeostatic motives, and learned or social motives. Almost all the motives belong to one or more of these three groups.

Motives such as thirst, hunger, respiration, and excretion are included in homeostatic motives. Nonhomeostatic motives include required activities such as seeking shelter and curiosity about the environment. Curiosity, a desire for novelty, power, achievement, social affiliation, and approval are considered as learned motives or social motives.

Motivation is essential to be successful in any endeavor you undertake. It can be positive or negative, subtle or obvious, tangible or intangible. It is very important in workplaces as it plays a key role in the effective performance of employees. In industry, managers play a significant role in employee motivation. They use different motivation techniques to improve productivity, thereby promoting cooperation between employees and employers.

Learning is somewhat interrelated to motivation. In education, instructors also use motivation techniques in order to motivate the students to learn. It is essential to increase student motivation as it can make a student more competent. Also, motivation encourages self confidence and problem-solving skills.

1C8CMotivation provides detailed information on Motivation, Daily Motivation, Employee Motivation, Motivation Posters and more. Motivation is affiliated with Christian Motivational Speakers.

Journaling To Track Your Successes

Often times people will start out on projects or set goals and after sometime lose the sight of the end result. They get distracted or they just do not know where they actually started nor how far they have come. For this reason they have little idea of how far they have to go to reach the end result. Using a journal to track your successes in any project or goal can assist you in reaching your desired result. Even the experts in the fields of motivation and inspirational personal growth suggest using the writing down of your successes as a tool to keep you on track.

To write down your successes or accomplishmentsACD helps you to first of all recognize that you have successes. Sometimes when you go through your day, you do not realize that simple little things are in fact a success. This makes you more aware of the things that you do or say that take you one step closer to your desired result.

Writing down your successes creates milestones that you can look back on and see how far you really have come in your journey to your future. There are times when discouragement will get the best of us. However, with a road and markers to look back on it is easier to continue forward and with more enthusiasm than you would have had if you had not taken the time to write down the successes you had in your everyday life.

To write down your successes regularly also encourages habits of success. Once these habits are in place then you become more motivated to do more and be more in the realm of your day. In many cases people who take the time to write down their successes reach their end result and reach them quicker. This allows them to start new projects, have more goals, and dream much bigger than they thought they could.

Once you realized the value and the importance of writing down accomplishments a person can then celebrate their successes. Treat your self to something special when you complete the desire goals you have set. Cheer and applaud! It is amazing how great we feel when we get that kind of recognition for finishing what we start.

Where you have come from determines where you will go

Check out this valuable tool that can assist you in tracking your successes at

For more resources and to learn more about being the best you that you can be visit

From Internet Entrepreneur and Writer Bonnie Holscher

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Treatment for Depression - What You Can Do To Help Yourself

The treatment for depression often involves medications like antidepressants or therapy. In addition to the treatment that your mental health provider suggests, you can also do some things help yourself. You should discuss an overall treatment plan, including medications, therapies, and self care, with your mental health providers.

Some of the self care treatment that experts often recommend include:

  • Change Negative Thinking: Depression can cause negative thinking in many people's lives. However, these negative thoughts can reinforce and feed on themselves. Changing negative thinking into more realistic thoughts can help some people. "Positive thinking" isn't a cure and negative thinking can be part of a lifetime habi2234t, making it hard to change. Some individuals do find it helpful to systematically identify negative thinking and replace those thoughts with realistic thinking with facts.

  • Choose Healthy Habits: Healthy habits will not only help your physical health, but it will also help your mental health. Some of the healthy habits that you should aim for including getting enough sleep (but not too much) each day, eating healthy foods, and avoiding drugs and alcohol. Bad health, nutrition, and lifestyle can contribute to the problem, so making healthy choices can help you better manage the illness.

  • Exercise Regularly: Studies have shown that exercise can help improve symptoms and reduce the likelihood of relapse. Exercise benefits individuals both physically and mentally. Try activities that you like and create realistic goals for yourself.

  • Reduce Stress: Reducing the stress in your life can also help you get a better handle on your problem. Identifying your stressors, learning to relax, and planning ahead can all be positive self care treatment methods.

  • Find Supportive Relationships: Supportive relationships can help you deal with your depression and create a more positive atmosphere around you. Try turning to friends and family members that you feel will support you through your treatment. You may also want to try a support group to connect with others who understand what you are going through.

In addition to your other treatment for depression, you can use some or all of these self care ideas within your overall treatment plan. Discuss what you can do to help yourself with your mental health provider, who will often be able to provide you with additional resources and ideas.

Learn more about depression by visiting Depression Answers We've got information on everything from types of depression to chronic pain and depression

Repossession Laws - A Review of the Legality of Self-Help Repossession

State and Federal Courts have long struggled with balancing the interests of debtors and secured creditors when it comes to the issue of self-help repossession. Self-help repossession refers to a creditors seizure of property that is the security interest (or collateral) of a loan. For example, when a bank seizes a persons car because he was delinquent on the car loan, the bank has performed self-help repossession.

Generally speaking, section 9-503 of the Uniform Commercial Code gives a secured creditor the right to take possession of collateral if the debtor falls delinquent on the loan. However, there are some limitations. For example, a21DB creditor cannot repossess collateral if doing so involves a breach of the peace. A breach of peace is somewhat of an ambiguous term, however, the use of physical force to repossess a car for example would be considered unlawful.

Aside from litigation over whether a creditor has breached the peace, there has been a considerable amount of case law on the issue of whether a debtor is entitled to a hearing prior to repossession. The concerns to both parties are significant. The creditor is motivated to take possession of collateral quickly and inexpensively since delay could result in damage to the collateral, depreciation to the collateral, and/or time for an embittered debtor to thwart future repossession attempts. On the other hand, depriving a debtor of property without first being heard poses serious risks to the debtor. Often such surprise tactics leaves debtors without necessary housing or transportation. Further, repossession without a court hearing deprives a debtor without his day in court.

This is a similar argument to the one the plaintiff made in the Supreme Court case of Fuentes v. Shevin. That case involved the issue of whether repossession without judicial intervention violated the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution as a deprivation of property without due process of law. However, the Supreme Court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment only protects against state action. Since a secured creditor is considered a private party, it is immune from those Constitutional provisions. The subsequent case of Flagg Brothers v. Brooks contained a similar decision and creditors rights to self-help repossession have generally been immune against federal attack.

If you are a debtor facing repossession, you may want to be hasty in trying to resolve the issue with a creditor. Do not expect a court hearing first or you may find yourself without transportation.

Ben Moskel is an attorney and a member of the New York State Bar Association. He publishes articles on the issues of car repossession, debt collection, and other debtor creditor issues.

Build Self-Confidence & Leadership Qualities - 3 Tips for Leadership Behavior

Leadership behavior can be illusive because it is related overt actions, rather than simply having managerial skills. But you need to build self-confidence, if you are lacking in that leadership quality. There are many leadership qualities, but it is distinguished by being among the highest all. I will present 3 tips and explore ideas to help you get confidence and develop the leadership behavior, which you need to advance in your company, in this commentary.

You will be hard pressed to win a position of leadership without self-confidence. Leadership is not as easy to perform as it is to intellectualize. The first thing, of which you need to be aware, is that leadership qualities are behavior oriented.

Book learning and reading editorials are all good and fine; but book knowledge is not going to automatically give you the leadership behavior, which it takes to be a true leader. There16D0 is an old adage, which states, "Actions speak louder than words." This is especially true when discussing leadership behavior.

All great leaders are as such because they get the confidence and admiration of people with whom they come in contact. Good managers, on the other hand, rely heavily on skills rather than leadership. Communication skill, organizational skill and scheduling are much more important to managers than they are to true leaders.

Please do have the mistaken notion that those skills are unimportant leadership qualities, because they are very important skills in leadership. But true leadership behavior relies much more heavily on personality development than it does on simple managerial skills.

There are some individuals who seem to develop leadership behavior naturally. The common man on the street is not looking to be a leader and does not need to get confidence, as does a leader.

Leadership Quality

Your leadership behavior depends on personality traits such as: humility, sensitivity, integrity, sincerity, a sense of commitment, courage, wisdom, compassion, honesty, confidence, an optimistic attitude, determination, and to be passionate about all of your endeavors. But if you want to be a leader in your company, you need to first develop within your mind leadership behavior.

The first tip is one, which may have heard a thousand times, "Dress for Success." But it is true. It does not matter one iota if you are a guy or a gal, get clothes that speak volumes about your self. Outward appearance is a leadership quality, which you can develop without necessarily working on your personality traits.

Guys, you really need to learn how to tie your tie. Clip-on ties are tacky. You never know when you will need to loosen your tie; let's say in a lengthy business meeting, for example.

There are two fundamental tie knots: the Double Windsor Knot and the Four-in-hand Knot. The Double Windsor Knot is used for thin materials like silk; and it is worn with wider lapels. Ties made of wool, and those that are hand-knit, are generally much too thick with which to tie a decent Double Windsor Knot. The Four-in-hand is normally used when a smaller knot is required.

A hair stylist could do wonders for the way you look and feel too. Get a haircut and dress for success. You will feel cool, and it will help you build self-confidence.

The second tip to build self-confidence is, take a public speaking course. Public speaking is the first behavioral leadership quality, on which I will focus. You could be the most qualified employee in the company to lead the discussion, but you may need to get the confidence it takes to stand in front of an audience.

Public speaking is an ability that you can develop. Guiding principles and good speaking techniques, which you can get in a public speaking course, can be helpful for you to hone your leadership behavior. It will make it easier for you to build self-confidence by devoting time to develop the leadership behavior of public speaking.

A speech class that concentrates in public discourse may help you overcome your dread of speaking in public. It could help you to get confidence; and have self-assurance that people will actually be listening to your message rather than evaluating your speaking style.

You may have low self-esteem because of your background, which naturally includes how you were raised. You might try to hide in the crowd instead of stepping up to the plate to volunteer for activities like talking during a business meeting.

You will need to build self-confidence if you expect to advance in your career. You may have already read, and even be very knowledgeable, about the concept of how to get confidence. But confidence is not something your can learn merely by reading a book. You need to take actions steps to build self-confidence and to get the confidence that you need to lead a group discussion, for instance.

The third tip is; play-like you already have self-confidence. You do not have to be an actor and you can even start off by play-acting in private if you are terribly insecure. I used to be insecure too, but I overcame my insecurities. So don't give up. It may not happen overnight, but you can speed-up the process with some effort.

You can build self-confidence that you are capable, but you really need to work on it. But you might have insecurities, which are buried deep within your subconscious mind, that are holding you back.

Leadership Quality

Your subconscious insecurities may overwhelm your conscious thoughts. You need to find a way to control what that little voice inside of your head, which we all have, says to you if you truly want to develop leadership behavior.

Speaking of that "little voice" inside of your head, I used to really be cursed by it. But I found a way that actually helped me change what the little voice inside of my head says to me; and by doing so I am now much happier now than I ever imagined I could be.

Here's something you might find interesting. Over $123 TRILLION was spent Online during 2007. That amount is growing by about 20% a year. Would you like a piece of the Action? You could make 5 or 10 Grand EVERY month with NO phone calls, NO selling, NO start-up costs & very little work.

Join my Team (I'm J.Michael Brown) and I could show you how to make a lot of money. Learn how you can get a F*R*E*E product; AND Three Websites set-up F*R*E*E. Be sure & look at the book, which I wrote, while you are at my Website. It has details about an1053 Easy Way to Wealth, because that is what most people want in life--but you can also find Inner Peace with it.

My book has a step-by-step guide about a formula, which I still use; and I found wealth & happiness. You can get everything you really want in life by using three quick & easy methods.

I hope you enjoyed my article. Check-out my work at, It has commentaries about: Leadership, Losing Weight, Stopping Bad Habits, Love, marriage and a lot more.

Find Happiness - Self-Improvement Skills Develop Self-Esteem - Change Your Life and Find Happiness

You can find happiness simply by using self-improvement skills to develop self-esteem and can actually change your life. I discuss practical scientific methods, which I refer to as "behavior strategies," that are based on ancient philosophies in this commentary to help find happiness.

One of the major philosophies of Aristotle was that the main purpose of mankind is to find happiness. Aristotle believed you must master your life by taking action rather than only talking about doing something. This is profound in terms of taking action to change your life. It is a proven fact that there are behavior strategies to develop self-esteem, rather than merely wishing that you could find happiness.

Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC) was an ancient Greek philosopher and author of Nicomachean Ethics, which many scholars refer to as Aristotle Ethics. He had a tremendous influence on Weste5B4rn culture, as we know it today.

Aristotle was a student of Plato, who was mentored by Socrates. Aristotle taught many well-known individuals, including Alexander the Great. He wrote about diverse subjects including:

* Fundamental Physics,
* Logic,
* Metaphysics,
* Politics science,
* Fundamental Rhetorics (persuasion),
* Poetry (including theater),
* Ethics,
* Fundamental Government,
* Zoology,
* Biological science.

Aristotle individually had a major effect on Western culture. He was among some of the most influential ancient Greek philosophers, including Socrates and Plato. They transformed Greek philosophy (before the advent of Socrates) into the fundamentals of Western culture, as we know it today.

Aristotle is credited by many researchers with founding two of the most significant schools of ancient Greek philosophical science. Others consider many schools of thought, which have been credited to Aristotle, to be the established concretization and expansion of Plato's insights. In either case, it is indisputable that Aristotle had a major impact on Western culture.

Aristotle delineated what is usually called virtue ethics in Nicomachean Ethics. He also wrote several dissertations on the subject of ethics. Aristotle felt that principled knowledge was not irrefutable knowledge, as it is with the subjects of mathematics and physics, but rather it is infor111Cmation that the general population brings into play.

He philosophized about ethics; and Aristotle said virtue relates to the proper purpose of an entity. He rationalized that your eye is only an effective eye as long as it can see; because the main, irrefutable purpose of an eye is for sight.

Aristotle indicated that the underlying principle reason for the existence of mankind is similar to that of the eye; in that we must have a purpose, which is uncommon to anything else in the universe. That purpose, he intellectualized, must be activity of the soul; just like the eye is for vision.

There is evidence that you can actually take control of your subconscious thoughts, which trigger your behavior about 90% of the time, so that you ultimately will facilitate the way others think about you. You will act and react the way you to behave, with out having to consciously think about it, by doing so.

You simply apply the easy-to-apply behavior strategies to develop self-esteem; and thus it will help you find happiness. Aristotle identified the optimum activity of the soul is eudemonia. It is a feeling of well-being or happiness.

Happiness depends upon ourselves. Aristotle

Eudemonia is joy and bliss, which permeates your existence with a good life. Concisely stated, among various people and situations there exists as a golden mean, which relates to two vices - one downfall is excess and the other is poverty. There is a way that you can prevent yourself from falling into the pitfall of vices, which Aristotle mentioned.

Self-Improvement Skills

The best way that I know of to find happiness, develop self-esteem and other ethical personality traits, is to consistently apply the self-improvement skills of behavior strategies. It can help you change thoughts by conditioning your subconscious mind. Using behavior strategies base on principles written in Nicomachean Ethics are by far, based on my experience, the best way to find happiness.

There is a way to condition your subconscious mind; and therefore you can change thoughts on the subconscious level, ergo, you will react the way actually want to behave, without having to consciously think about what to do; and so you will not be controlled so much by events in your past.

You can develop self-esteem by using the simple behavior strategies, which are founded on Aristotle Ethics, and change thoughts from negative to positive thinking and thus change your life. The behavior strategies' self-improvement skills can and will help you find happiness.

It is a really easy way to change thoughts so you can react constructively to negative behavior and adverse circumstances. You only need to routinely practice the simple behavior strategies for a total of about 60 minutes a day; and the strategic and premeditated behaviors are divided into 10 and 20-minute simple exercises, so it will not interrupt your schedule.

You can do it while you are in your underwear & reclining in an easy chair; or even while you are relaxing on your bed. You can find happiness and truly change your life by doing so.

You can get poise, willpower, faith, and; actually, you can get anything that you really want by using behavior strategies' self-improvement skills. It made all the difference in the world for me. I was able to change my life by applying behavior strategies.

Here's something you might find interesting. Over $123 TRILLION was spent Online during 2007. That amount is growing by about 20% a year. Would you like a piece of the Action? You could make 5 or 10 Grand EVERY month with NO phone calls, NO selling, NO start-up costs & very little work.

Join my Team (I'm J.Michael Brown) and I could show you how to make a lot of money. Learn how you can get a F*R*E*E product; AND Three Websites set-up F*R*E*E. Be sure & look at the book, which I wrote, while you are at my Website. It has details about an Easy Way for Wealth, because that is what most people want in life--but you can also find Inner Peace with it.

My book has a step-by-step guide about a formula, which I still use; and I found Peace & S111Cuccess. You can get everything you really want in life by using three quick & easy methods.

I hope you enjoyed my article. Check-out my work at, It has commentaries about: Leadership, Losing Weight, Stopping Bad Habits, Love, marriage and a lot more.

Self-Improvement Through The Power Of Self-Hypnosis

This article is an introduction as to how the power of true self-hypnosis can be used for self-improvement. I say true self-hypnosis as opposed to so called "self-hypnosis" which is really the use of hypnotherapy CD's or MP3's.

Self-hypnosis can be a fantastic instrument for goal setting and self-improvement. The majority of people are amazed at how simple it is to pick up self-hypnosis. And self-hypnosis, successively, makes many things much easier.

Self hypnosis is commonly believed to be somebody listening to a tape recording, mp3, or other mass-produced media, designed to cause a willingness to take in hypnotic suggestions focused on a particular issue such as losing weight, or smoking cessation, etc.

Regrettably, somebody who has never even met the individual being hypnotised, often-presenting unwelcome, or even objectionable mental imagery and suggestions more often than not creates this type of hypnosis.

For instance, if you sunburn easily, the last thing you would like to imagine is a long walk along a sun drenched beach. In this event, the "self" in self-hypnosis merely implies that you listen to it by yourself.

How do you integrate self-improvement with hypnosis?

To embark upon a course of self-improvement, there are definite facets in yourself that ought to be covered. Using hypnosis, the damaging facets that are acting as hindrances to improvement are eradicated.

A real self-hypnosis session would consequently by necessity be designed and produced by the one and the same person who will in the end use and benefit from it.

As opposed to the mass-produced "self-hypnosis" audio recordings, real self-hypnosis is created for the precise aim the individual desires, including the exact words and phrases that convey the most meaning to that specific individual.

Therefore an individual to accommodate his or her own needs would create a genuine self-hypnosis session. The benefits attained can exclusively be accomplished with such an individual, made to measure self-hypnosis session. In this instance, the "self" in self-hypnosis genuinely does signify that you are indeed hypnotised by yourself for your own specific needs!

The following is a brief description of the self-hypnotic procedure. Although many variants of these process's have been applied, this is the basic formula you would need to go through in order to hypnotise yourself to attain self-improvement.

1. Arrange your goals from the most significant goal to the less significant goal. Whenever practical, your goals ought to be quantifiable.

2. For every goal, you ought to create suitable suggestions, which means you have to translate your goals into specific directions to your subconscious mind to follow in order to accomplish your goals.

3. Relaxation. The first few minutes of your self-hypnosis session should be spent becoming as relaxed as possible. Try to put all your worries and problems aside for the time being.

4. Begin your hypnotic induction stage by reciting aloud the hypnotic suggestions you have decided upon, or thinking of these suggestions or even listening to a custom recorded hypnotic tape or CD designed for your own self-improvement goals.

5. Apply the aforementioned hypnotic suggestions you have created for accomplishing the particular goal you intend to work with, say them aloud, and run them over and over again in your mind.

Prior to you starting your self-hypnotic exercises you should schedule a specific time to do them. Practice your self-hypnosis exercises each day, for at least five minutes a day. Repeat your hypnotic suggestions whenever possible throughout the day.

After a few weeks of daily practice you should evaluate your progression. Are you any closer to attaining your goals than you were before you commenced your self-hypnosis practice? If your answer is negative to this question, you should reconsider your hypnotic suggestions.

This is of course the only way you can truly evaluate if self-hypnosis is really helping you in attaining your self-improvement goals.

I hope this article has given you some food for thought as to how you can use the power of self-hypnosis in your life.

For further information about hypnosis click here.

David Regan is a stage hypnotist and hypnotherapist who specializes in Providing comedy hypnosis shows. His insanely popular show "David Regan's Hypnotic Experience" is now available. For more information please see

How You Can Avoid New Age Guilt Sabotaging Your Self Esteem

Owing mostly to the proliferation of the 'self help' genre ... books ... seminars ... chat shows ... a relatively new phenomena is plaguing many people's consciousness.

My colleagues and I call it 'New Age Guilt'.

And what is worse ... it can seriously devastate self esteem and eat into our feelings of confidence.

I know, I know, you want to know if you've 'got' it ... and whether you have or not, how you should be avoiding it.

And this is precisely my point.

The world of marketing has managed to convince us that we are vulnerable to just about any affliction - or that without some 'product' (that they of course happen to be marketing), we are somehow not completely fulfilled. (Hey I'm a marketer too ... don't think I don't know the tricks! Of course how you use them for good in the world is the real key to positive karma.)

So even as I tell you that you may be suffering from 'New Age Guilt', you might already be thinking about the terrible consequences this could have on your life/family/marriage/relationships/finances.Simply because we have been conditioned to think that way.

OK so far ... now let's take the case of someone who is having a little trouble in life. Not feeling too good about themselves or their present situation, they look for help. Self help perhaps.

And after a little research - maybe in the local bookstore, on the 'net, watching a little Oprah, they come to the conclusion that they 'have' low self esteem.

Now instead of the relief you think they might feel at finding the supposed cause to their problem, things start to go downhill from here. The first onset of New Age Guilt begins to creep in.

Because now, they research a little further still and are variously told by experts that self esteem is largely self produced. Hmmm, needs a little more research ... um, exactly how is it 'self produced'?

Well you see, "thought is creative" (true). "And from our thoughts spring our reality" (hmmm, but do go on ...)."So our current reality is created by our own selves" (It is? Wow.). "And you need to 'take responsibility' for what you have created" (You what? Are you saying I did this to myself?).

"In fact, you created this mess ... so you better shape up and work out what 'baggage' you must be carrying; then once you clear it out, everything will be fine".

Oh no. It's all my fault. I should have known it was all my fault. I created this mess. I'm not really a very good person, I made everything bad around me and what's worse I don't even know how I did it. I'm awful. What am I going to do? I don't feel good, I've got low self esteem and I've just found out it's all my own fault.

Inspiring isn't it?

Yet I've personally known people who have totally taken this on board as 'the truth' and then use it to beat themselves up even further.

"OH NO, YOU'RE MAKING IT WORSE!", I silently yell to them, because if I point out they've taken on a flawed belief (That "I am responsible for everything around me"), they'll feel EVEN WORSE!

But it does make ones life as a coach or counselor somewhat difficult.

Because to first work with low self esteem - and indeed low self confidence - one needs to empower the person to find some light at the end of the tunnel, to open their own door just a crack and to like what they see inside ... and not the opposite!

So how to do this?

Well I believe in two key approaches.

Approach No.1

I learned this from a self esteem colleague, Jack Canfield (perhaps better known for his 'Chicken Soup For The Soul' series).

Jack says: "Stuff Happens"

"But it's how you RESPOND to it that matters."

Who cares who 'created it', whose 'baggage' it is, whether it means I am a 'good' or 'bad' person.

Find a way to take action and respond and you'll feel a whole lot better.

Swim around in the agony of your guilt about creating it and you'll feel a whole lot worse. New Age Guilt. A whole self help industry is built on it.

Approach No.2

The second is to re-condition yourself to believe that the way you are right now is totally OK.


We 5B4all need to accept that everything we say and do is based upon the fact that we are doing the best we can with what we know. It's all you can ever do.

Do not underestimate the power of affirmations.

The next time you find yourself being drawn into feeling unworthy or low in confidence because you might have some new-fangled 'syndrome' or are lacking in some vital product, say to yourself:

"I am perfect the way I am right now."

"I accept myself the way I am right now."

"At any given moment, I am doing the best I can."

Focus on your own continued improvement.

What skills can you learn to grow, develop and maximize your range of positive emotions and positive thoughts?

THAT is how to raise self esteem.

Now go and do something to feel good. Call someone, kiss someone, make someone's day.

Have a great day!

2005, Robert Scanlon, selfesteemplus

Robert Scanlon is a corporate consultant, NLP Trainer, and the author of "Boost Your Self Esteem To New Heights", a free 21-day online Building Self Esteem and Self Confidence Course and 35-page eBook. You can sign up for the course at

Symptoms of Low Self Esteem

It is normal for most of us to feel some diminution in our sense of self esteem at certain points in our lives. Some may feel a diminished belief in self only during major life crises or when buffeted by severe stress; others may be given to self-doubt at practically all times and under all circumstances. Not many individuals are so strong as to remain completely unaffected by life's conceivable onslaughts. Outwardly, you may appear confident and unfazed, but still suffer internally the symptoms of low self esteem such as feeling that you are a fraud, a failure, not worthy enough.

Low self esteem is the cage where you incarcerate yourself when you do not believe that you are good enough. The key to leave the cage is Truth: that you are worthy and good enough, that you are capable, that you are lovable. It is hard to find that key because of judgmental mind-talk and the negative feelings that it generates. If you have the symptoms of low self esteem, you must endeavour to regain a belief in yourself and to proactively take control and possession of your life.

Below are some of the symptoms of low self esteem.

* You think too frequently about yourself and seem to prefe1C84r engaging in constant self-analysis.

* You are afraid of adversity and may feel some alienation from authority figures (like parents).

* You find it hard to smile easily. Your views are pessimistic.

* You are not willing or not able to set and attain your personal goals.

* You keep to yourself and prefer to be left alone.

* You do not want to establish eye contact and find it hard to trust other people.

* You do not and are not willing to take any risks.

* You are antisocial. People find you difficult to be around with.

* You talk negatively to yourself, you find it difficult to tell the truth or keep your word.

* You cannot forgive yourself or others. You may lack empathy, compassion, and remorse.

Raising your self esteem requires that you work on the symptoms of low esteem above. Until you find a way to reverse them, you are likely to get emotionally stuck and to suffer the negative and damaging effects of incessant negative feelings. This could include being a non-achiever, having poor inter-personal relationships, and many others. You must try to raise your sense of self worth. Learn a new skill, emulate the behaviour of people you admire who are confident and happy individuals, and try to generate positive feedback. If you work at it hard enough, you may eventually overcome these enervating symptoms of low self esteem.

Evelyn Lim is an author of self help articles on topics such as positive thinking, attracting abundance and becoming more happy. Previously suffering from low self esteem, she is now living a life filled with greater purpose and joy. Drawing on her experience, she now shares practical tips about getting the life that one deserves in her blog at

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Don't Always Believe What You're Told - Even When it's Reported in the New York Times

Don't always believe what you're told. Don't always believe conventional wisdom. And don't always believe what you read in the paper - not even in the venerated New York Times.

According to a recently aired, soul wrenching documentary, entitled "The Lobotomist", The New York Times once hailed pre-frontal lobotomy as "surgery of the soul". This was a period of time when the medical establishment viewed severing the frontal lobe of the brain from the thalamus as a groundbreaking treatment for those with agitated depression, dementia, psychosis and other problematic symptoms.

As with many things that turn sour, Dr. Walter Freeman, who became a celebrity physician due to his miracle cure, started operating with good intentions. With no treatments to calm agitated patients in state hospitals, lobotomies promised hope to those who were most distressed. And the operation did indeed help alleviate their distress.

But at what cost?

That's the question we must always ask ourselves when advocating new medical treatments - particularly those that are irreversible or may have negative effects on our brain chemistry that may not be revealed till years later.

Though nobody today advocates for prefrontal lobotomy, it's important to remember that at its prime, it was hailed as a great advance.

Its reputation was so exalted that in 1941, the parents of JFK took their mildly retarded 23-year-old daughter to Dr. Freeman for a lobotomy that would5B4 "calm her mood swings". The results were devastating. A spirited, rebellious young woman became so mentally incapacitated that she required institutionalization for the rest of her life.

Did that tragedy create an end to the procedure? Not at all. It wasn't until 26 years later that prefrontal lobotomies were jettisoned. The primary reason: the beginnings of psychotropic drugs to treat emotional distress.

If you think that the story of prefrontal lobotomy is an anomaly, you would be mistaken. Numerous medical procedures and medications originally hailed as "miraculous" were vilified years later.

Two examples:

When heroin was first brought to market in 1898, it was considered to be a miraculous cure for morphine addiction. Over time, it also came to be seen as a drug for treating other ailments, such as coughs, bronchitis, asthma, and tuberculosis. For more than 14 years, heroin's sedative qualities were promoted while its addictive qualities were downplayed.

A similar story is true for cocaine which had its own celebrity physician advocating it. None other than Sigmund Freud was a frequent cocaine user, believing it to be a wonder cure for neurotic symptoms - including his own.

So, what's a person to do? Be a disbeliever in medicine and medication? Absolutely not! Yet, developing a healthy dose of skepticism and sound judgment is a good idea. Here's why:

Many medications, which may be helpful f5B4or one ailment or one segment of the population, are quickly prescribed for other ailments and other populations without sufficient testing.

Here are a few current examples:

Statins are routinely prescribed not only for those who have heart disease but also for those whose cholesterol numbers are high, yet show no sign of heart disease. Research, recently reported in Business Week, suggests that this is overkill. Side effects of statins are minimized while efficacy is blown out of proportion.

Gastric bypass surgery is now being talked about as a radical procedure not only for the morbidly obese but also as one that could be promoted as a treatment for the obese who are at risk for developing diabetes.

Six million children in this country are being treated with psychotropic medication despite the fact that no research studies have been done on the long term side effects for children who use these drugs.

And perhaps, what's most disturbing of all is our increasing reliance on medication and operations to treat behavioral and emotional issues. What ever happened to the idea of putting in effort (with and without professional help) to gain control over harmful habits, noxious behaviors, over-the-top emotions and basic sleeping, eating and exercise patterns?

Copyright 2008

Linda Sapadin, Ph.D. 5B4is a psychologist in private practice who specializes in helping people enrich their lives, enhance their relationships and overcome self-defeating patterns of behavior. For more information about her work, contact her at or visit her website at


Dr. Sapadin is a clinical psychologist, author, columnist, educator and motivational speaker. Her expertise is teaching people how to master debilitating fear, anxiety, procrastination and other self-defeating patterns of behavior. She also specializes in enriching relationships and enhancing self-confidence.


Now I Get It! Totally Sensational Advice for Living and Loving (Outskirts Press, 2007)

Master Your Fears: How to Triumph Over Your Worries and Get On With Your Life (John Wiley & Sons, 2004). (Also published in Korean and French)

Beat Procrastination and Make the Grade: The Six Styles of Procrastination and How STUDENTS can Overcome Them (Penguin, 1999).

It's About Time! The Six Styles of Procrastination and How to Overcome Them (Penguin, 1996). Also published in Japanese.


Today Show, Good358 Morning America, Fox Morning News, National Public Radio, the Voice of America, Good Day New York, The New York Times, USA Today, Newsday, The Washington Post.

Teen Spiritual Movies

Self Esteem - One Step To Being Free

Know this: you're blameless. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, no matter what all those rules in your head say. After all, they're just rules you adopted along the way, arbitrarily, as you were growing up, trying to cope with an unending stream of new and confusing situations, trading off bits of your self esteem as you learned again and again that you were often "wrong."

But you've lived with those rules for so long, you've forgotten that each one of them was something you picked up and threw into your rag-bag of guidelines. You did it on the spur of the moment, barely thinking about the action itself. Furthermore, you did most of that picking up and adopting when you were a very small child.

Okay, so now some of the decisions made by that child are raising havoc with your adult life.

Those rules have become "true" to you. And more than true -- they've become TRUE in 40-foot high letters flashing with lightning, and thundering above you with the voices of the gods themselves.

What mere mortal would dare challenge the validity of such rules -- edicts from the gods? The hand of the Universe itself might just reach down and strike you silly. Is it any wonder that self esteem can shrink in such an environment?

But in order to free yourself from your more restrictive, unreasonable, inaccurate rules, challenging them is what you're going to have to do... stand up and face down those fearsome rules.

Fortunately, it's a lot easier than it looks from down here in non-god land.

During the past decade or so, a number of new therapies, called "energy therapies," have sprung up. Remarkably, they often produce results within breath-takingly short periods.

Instead of years and decades, you might free yourself from a long-term problem within minutes, ho59Durs or days, restoring confidence and self esteem to healthy, comfortable levels. There is the occasional problem that takes three or four months to resolve, but it's fairly rare with these new methods.

This reminds me of the legend of Alexander the Great and the Gordian knot. It seems that good King Gordius of Phrygia had tied an enormously intricate knot, then proudly announced that only the future ruler of Asia would be able to untie it. Many came and tried. All failed

Finally, Alexander the Great unloosed that knot, so the story goes, simply and directly with a single slash of his sword.

And that's similar to the situation with our mental complexes, phobias and fears. Traditional therapies niggle away at our mental "knots" for years at a time, seeking permission to "please let me be better," while the new treatments just stride right past all those impressive terminologies and therapeutic models to do the job simply and fearlessly.

Sometimes it is a single step from where you are now to full freedom and self esteem. In another article, I'll be telling you how you can use these techniques to get yourself free.

For more information on how to shape your future, download the free PDF report "It's All Good Luck - Five No-Fail Tips for Turning Bad Luck into Good... Every Time" at 30D

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Self-Respect - Six Examples of How Learning to Respect Yourself Attracts Respect From Others

Too many people expect to be respected by others when they don't act respectfully themselves. Once you learn to respect yourself, you will attract respect from others. Here are some guidelines for learning self-respect.

"I want him to respect me."

"If people respect me, I'll respect them."

"My kids should respect me (it doesn't matter how I treat them)."

If you dont respect yourself, youll never respect others.

Self-Respecting People

1. Think about how their behavior affects the people around them

2. Consider what they say before blurting out hurtful words

3. Understand the Golden Rule according to Eugene BroB63wn, LPC (my former supervisor and mentor): Do unto others as they need to be done unto

4. Seek first to understand, then to be understood (Stephen Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People)

5. Take responsibility for their behavior

6. Let go of the need to hold grudges

Let's look at these six ideas about self-respect:

1. Think about how their behavior effects the people around them

Self-respecting people realize that they don't live in a vacuum; their behavior affects others. They think about what they do and ask themselves, "How will my doing ________ affect the people I care about/my coworkers/others I come in contact with?" They weigh the consequences carefully before acting.

2. Consider what they say before blurting out hurtful words

When self-respecting people engage in disagreements with others, they act diplomatically. Yes, they experience anger just like the rest of us, but they choose their responses instead of allowing a knee-jerk reaction to determine what happens next. They realize that hurtful words wont help their partner understand what is wrong and will harm the relationship.

3. Understand the Golden Rule according to Eugene Brown, LPC (my former supervisor and mentor): Do unto others as they need to be done unto

This ties into understanding that their behavior impacts others. They realize that just because they would like something done a certain way, that others may not agree. They take the time to learn how others need to be treated, rather than just using a "one size fits all" approach.

4. Seek first to understand, then to be understood (Stephen Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People)

Self-respecting people understand the value of active listening. They know that if people feel understood, then they are more likely to be willing to listen to another persons point of view. Self-respecting people do not try to push their views on others to be understood first. They are willing to work to earn the other persons respect and trust.

5. Take responsibility for their behavior

This means they are willing to admit when they are wrong. They feel comfortable with themselves and don't feel threatened if they make a mistake. Their ego isn't tied up in always needing to be right. This also means that the self-respecting person lets others be responsible for their behavior, letting go of the need to control them or change them.

6. Let go of the need to hold grudges

Self-respecting people realize that when they hold a grudge, they keep themselves locked into anger and resentment. They know they will keep growing as a person when they allow others to be responsible for their behavior instead of holding a grudge to try to make others change.

For more tips and tools for attracting love and prosperity into your life, visit For weekly tips and tools sign up for Michelle's free newsletter, Relationship Success, while you're there. You can also visit and Michelle E. Vasquez is a Relationship Coach in San Antonio, Texas. She specializes in helping people attract the life they want and create the relationships that bring them joy. She is available for in office and phone coaching for individuals and couples who want to create more joy in their relationships.

Great Spiritual Movies

Monday, July 14, 2008

Can You Bounce Back From Adversity Again And Again

Everyone at least once in their life experiences some form of a setback, adversity, failure or loss in at least one area of their life. Adversity can strike with or without notice. It can hit a relationship, a loved one, a career, your business, your health or your financial status.

No matter where or when it hits, the anxiety, stress, frustration, disappointment, fear, sadness or panic leave the same feelings or emotions in its wake. A senses of hopelessness and/or despair.

Life is circular not linear. First there is birth, then growth, then maturity then death, followed again by birth or re-birth and so on. This is the law of the universe, whether it is life itself or a change in career or a relationship. I do not mean to imply that all relationships must die before their time, but they do eventually end. There is a big difference. Endings are different than death. Death is certainly an ending, but there are literally thousands of types of endings.

Periods of life end, for example youth is followed by adulthood. All careers end if not by premature death, then retirement, or the beginning of a new or different career. Relationships end, if not physically, then a stage in the relationship, for example lust, infatuation or physical attraction is replaced in long standing relationships with deep and abiding love.

Setbacks and adversity are often signals that some aspect of life has come to an end or needs to come to an end. They are wake-up calls or what I call choice points in life. Many people, myself included, on a number of occasions, resist endings from time to time. Sometimes however, we embrace or encourage them. We want to continue life, business or a way of life forever. Most people die with unfinished business left in them. It is seldom that there isn't something more that could have been said, done, seen, learned or shared by someone who has passed on.

This is not an article about death and dying. It is about bouncing back from an event that life has been thrown in our path, or we have brought into our life because of our attitudes, decisions, behavior or actions. At the end of this article I will offer some ideas on how to bounce back, but first let's look at a few related ideas.

What gives adversity its power over emotions, feelings and responses? Why is adversity a tool used by some to improve or change, while it is used by others as an excuse or reason to give up or whine and bemoan their circumstances? Where is the potential learning or lessons in a setback or adverse situation?

Life isn't fair, and it isn't unfair. It just is. Life is neutral. It brings each person unique opportunities to learn and grow as a result of the events or circumstances that cross their path. Everyone, I repeat everyone regardless of their age, sex, nationality, religion, career status or financial position is a student in life. Some people, upon an outward-in first glance may "have it made". But do not judge by appearances only. Everyone has inner battles of one kind or another that they are fighting.

No one is immune to the teachings of life. Class is always in session. School is never out. There are no vacations. We never graduate. We don't get to select the curriculum, but we do have to do all the assignments and take all the quizzes. If we pass, we get to move on to other sometimes bigger or higher lessons. If we fail, we get to repeat the same lesson again and again until we finally learn whatever it is we need to learn as we travel through life. The repeated lesson might present itself from a different spouse, career situation, or any number of new and/or different circumstances, but the lesson will be the same.

There are several predicable stages that people go through following any loss regardless of its nature or severity. They are denial, anger, acceptance and finally moving forward.

Many of us bring repeated adversity of one kind or another into our lives and a great many people choose to see themselves as victims. To see yourself as a victim, and not take the responsibility for your circumstances is to live in an inner emotional world dominated by blame, guilt and resentment. I once heard a friend make the statement, "why is this happening to me again?" There was a common denominator in all of the repeated events. It was him.

Adversity gives us the opportunity to do a number of things as we move through our lives. Some of them are: reevaluate old life patterns that are not working; see ourselves more clearly as a contributor; develop new attitudes about life, relationships, money, people, work etc.; observe how we handle the lessons we are given.

A number of people have asked me why some people seem to have or attract more adversity or failure while others seem to glide through life with wonderful relationships, stable financial lives, growing careers, lots of friends and excellent health. I don't know for sure why some people seem to have more, do more and become more while others struggle daily with the basics of life. But I do have a few ideas and will share them with you as food for thought only. You won't find these in a psychology text or on a counselors couch. They are just my observations seeing life through my own personal struggles and successes.

Everyone is on their own personal path through life.

There is a law in the universe called the law of cause and effect. There is another metaphysical concept that states, be careful of what you ask for because you will probably get it. Still another says, what you are seeking is seeking you. There is a great quote from Yogi Bera, "expecting different results from repeated behavior is a mild form of insanity." Another from my relati5B4onship seminar says, life determines who comes into your life, your attitudes and actions determines who stays.

As you can see from a number of different perspectives, a great deal of the adversity and loss in our lives is self-inflicted as a result of our conscious actions, expectations, perceptions and thoughts or our unconscious values, beliefs, judgments and paradigms.

All behavior is the result of a persons consciousness. To attempt to change behavior without first changing consciousness is to invite failure whether it is with eating habits, communication patterns, or work ethics, and everything in between. The reason so many people fail at whatever behavior they attempt to change is because they try to change outside-in rather than inside-out.

What does all of this psychological mumbo jumbo have to do with adversity and bouncing back? Everything. Our state of mind is often fertile ground that attracts adversity into our lives. Our state of mind will determine how we will respond to, or overcome the events that come to us. Our perceptions, or filters (how we see life) will determine our interpretation of whether this is an adversity or not. Give twenty different people the same adverse event, and I guarantee that some will see it as negative, some will see it as positive and some will see it as devastating. The event was the same, the interpretations unique and personal.

Let's summarize and answer th110Ee first question, what gives adversity its power over people's emotions, feelings and responses?

When we are confronted with a situation regardless of its nature, that is perceived as a threat to our comfort, security, sense of well being or the status quo we tend to imagine the worst. Fear takes over. How will I survive alone? Will I ever find a new job or career that I will be successful in? Will I ever find another lasting nurturing relationship? What will my life be like with only memories of the past? Am I destined to struggle my entire life? How can I ever get over this tremendous loss? There are others, but I am confident you see my point.

When we operate out of a consciousness of fear, we tend to lose our perspective. We don't think rightly, see clearly or feel safe. We therefore see ourselves as victims and out of control of our lives.

Adversity can be a tool, just like any other emotional tool for positive change. If the wake-up call is heard, we can listen carefully to what we believe it is trying to teach us. This takes awareness, courage, self-love and patience. If we are too hard on ourselves and beat ourselves up thinking, I am such an idiot, or I'll never get this right or, I deserve all this bad stuff, we will find it difficult to create the proper mind-set to change direction. Adversity needs to be looked at with precision, careful observation and honest introspection. It needs to be seen as one of life's teachers, and not some villain that is out to get us or beat us down.

Having said all this it is also important that we not let ourselves off the hook with justification or acceptance. It is important to learn to become more comfortable with where we want to be or who we want to become rather than where we are or who we are.

As promised here are a few things you can do if you are smack in the middle of a situation that is uncomfortable, challenging or trying to teach you something, in other words an adversity.

One, try and keep the circumstances or situation in perspective. Will this be as big an issue in 100 years as it is today. Two, evaluate the situation in light of your entire life. Three, focus on what you have, not what you lost. This isn't any easy step when you are neck deep in pain, sorrow or grief, but continuing to focus on what is no longer, tends to keep you locked in the past and a state of 'no positive action'. Four, do something, anything to re-focus your thoughts, energy or activities in a positive or more healthy direction. Five, if it is a loss of a relationship or loved one, remember all that you had with them that was good and positive. Six, Remember you can't change what has happened, but you can change the future. And you change your future in your present moments. You also create all of your memories positive or negative, in your present moments. Seven, keep in mind the concept that you don't always get to determine what comes into your life, but you always get the choice of how to react or respond to it.

These are not easy steps. Loss and adversity of any kind are painful and difficult as long as you continue to remain focused on the loss or the problem. To use adversity as a positive teacher that has come lovingly into your life to help you overcome shortcomings, character defaults or poor judgment is a sign of emotional maturity. To wallow indefinitely in the negative circumstance, failure, disappointment or loss is to remain stuck and out of control. Life is neutral. It doesn't care how you react or respond to its teachings.

So the final question I would leave you with is, what kind of a student are you as you pass through the classes in life? Are you a willing learner or are you resisting the teaching, and the opportunity for personal growth?

Easy Guide to List Building

When you own an online business, you know how important it is to be having an always-maintained build list of e-mail addresses on your server. You know as a businessman that you need these addresses to potentially market your products to them at any given time. But what if these e-mail addresses on your built list begin to wane and diminish? What actions are you going to take to make sure that your perpetual source for prospective clients remains intact and working? Well, just like any otherwise moves to take, all you have to do is to re-build the list by capturing newer and fresher addresses through your marketing strategies. To build a responsive and actively participating list, here is what you can do:

Create an E-book. E-books are a good source of e-mail addresses because people would like to just read books. What is good about writing e-book is that it does not require too much time to create one since all you have to do is put a manual books content into your e-book. If there is one thing that you should work on getting an e-book, is to ensure that the quality of the e-book does not suffer.

Write article materials. Articles do not go obsolete as a source of feedback and traffic. Day to day, there are new topics that need to be discussed and talked about. When an article material is well written primarily based on facts, people just love to react on it.

Join forum channels. People who are on forum channel utilize this area to get some answers to some of their questions or inquiries. It is best then that you join this channel and participate and direct them to your landing page for further inquiries to capture their information.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Creating A Place To Rejuvenate

I have a musician friend who's group used an old bench for the picture on the front of their album. The album was titled "A Place to Rest". We all can relate to that idea. People in our hurried culture need a place of peace, a place away from the work, noise and over stimulation of the outside world. A place where your mind and body can revive and recharge your energy. If you have a yard this might mean a pool, a nice patio or a garden spot.

Courtyards throughout history have been like walking into another oasis in the desert. Creating such a place of peace can be accomplished even if you don't have a yard. Porches and sunrooms both offer a transitional space between more formal living areas and the outside. Use fun flea market objects you love but can't quite see in the living room. Use old tools or toys. Drag out grandma's old bent up aluminum pots you do not cook with and make planters out of them. Hang wind chimes, suncatchers or stainglass. Small fountains or water gardens create calm soothing sounds. Plants are a must - they bring the outdoors in and keep the blues away in the colder months. Include a rocker, glider, swing or bench no matter where your space is. There is something magically calming about a rythmic motion...ask any baby.

Porch furniture designs now come in a variety of beautiful woods and finishes for both indoor and outdoor use. They are comfortable as well as attractive and made to last a lifetime. See the classic designs of Charleston, St. Augustine and Savannah at This handcrafted furniture has true southern charm, is well made and very comfortable. The woods used are beautiful and durable and come in a variety of finishes and colors for outdoor and indoor use. Let us help you create your own personal "place to rest". Visit us at

Christy Bateman

How To Help People Think Better - The Nitty Gritty of Listening

You know how to listen. You do it every day. In fact, you spend a good portion of the time you're interacting with others in listening. You're good at it.

And, we find that leaders who are remarkable listeners are always looking to expand their listening skills. So let's really make a study of listening today; let's take a look at the nitty gritty.

Helping people to think more deeply is the highest purpose, the best reason, for a leader to listen more deeply. When people think more deeply, when they make their own connections, they get a jolt of energy, and they're inspired to action. David Rock in his book Quiet Leadership (Appeared, 2006) describes the neuroscience of the process of coming to one's own insight. Then he says,

When people make deep, new connections in their own mind, there is a tangible release of energy, a discernable "aha" moment that fills us with a desire to take action. On a physical level, this aha moment releases chemicals in the body to prime it for movement. The energy created by insight is an important energy source to be harnessed. In the workplace there are many drains on our energy, including restrictions, policies, politics, long hours, and hundreds of emails every day. We should be harnessing every possible energy source that might inspire better performance. Letting people come up with their own ideas is a deep well of motivation to tap. (pp.39-40)

We have found that people get excited, become more conscious, and solve their own problems when their leaders and colleagues employ the skill of listening for. When you are listening for my potential, my strengths, or my skills mastery, I can sense that and I respond to it. When you're listening for what's important to me, for my goals, for what I value, for what I believe is possible or not possible, you help me become more conscious of these myself. When you're listening for how I feel about the subject I'm discussing - whether my energy is high or low, whether I'm excited or worried - I know I am truly heard. When you're listening for the real issue, maybe the question behind my question, then you help me to see so much more. When you're listening for what I'm not saying but is clearly present, then you give me permission to bring it out.

So how do you do it, this listening deeply and listening for? Here are some of the nitty gritty techniques:

Say less than you think you need to. Give lots of time for the person to think or to frame what they're saying. Resist the urge to jump in.

Summarize, paraphrase, and mirror back what you're hearing to be sure you understand clearly and to give the person a chance to hear what he or she is thinking.

As you reflect what you're hearing, use their language. It will have more of an impact. As you reflect, use language that indicates "I heard" rather than "You said."

Notice the difference between the person's words, tone of voice, and body language.

Practice setting aside your own judgments of what you're hearing.

And finally, just practice hearing some of what we've already mentioned: potential, goals, values, strengths, mastery, possibility, point of view, feelings, what's underneath.

Now let's look at an example. Your employee, Bob, comes to you and says, "Sandy is alienating everyone around her." For many, the automatic response is to look for a solution. The leader who is listening for starts by asking for more information and listening for what's important to the speaker.

As you listen, you reflect what you're hearing, giving Bob the chance to become more aware of the elements of the situation and what's really going on. You use language that tells Bob what you've heard. You listen for possibility, for Bob's strengths and for Sandy's. You listen for how Bob is thinking about the situation and what he may not be saying about it. And you assume Bob's competence in being able to solve his problem.

As you reflect what Bob is saying, he begins to see possibility, too. Now may be a good time to ask Bob what he'd like to see and how he'd like to move forward. You continue to see him as competent and creative. In this collaborative conversation, Bob feels heard, and he taps into his own resourcefulness. Your deep listening allows Bob to harness his own energy and to solve his own problem, to become a leader in this situation.

We have all experienced the power of being truly heard. It is one of the highest gifts we receive in this life. In the business world, it encourages deeper thinking, energized action, and greater connection to the work at hand. And it invokes the leader in everyone.

Jennifer Sellers is the Chief Energy Officer of Inspired Mastery, a leadership development company that helps people see inside their own blind spots to become powerful communicators, powerful leaders, and powerful in their lives. She is a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation. Her background includes teen and adult education, project management under contract to NASA, a year as a ski bum in Telluride, Colorado , and 5 years as a coach, facilitator, and speaker. She has practiced Zen meditation for almost 20 years and is passionate about tapping the highest potential in each of us.